Hi, everyone. I hope you had a WONDERFUL 4th of July (if you are in the US).
I also hope that, rather than declaring INDEPENDENCE from the Lord, you are very much committed to being unabashedly DEPENDENT on your Heavenly Father in every way. 🙂
If you happen to need support for your desire to give your eating to the Lord, NOW is a great time. Tonight is an orientation for a brand new Thin Within class that is being taught by Rachel Taylor, a lady I have gotten to know online over the past couple of years. Rachel is zealous to share the pathway to freedom and will be leading a group through the Thin Within workbook material.
If you want to join her, tonight she meets with any and all who are interested–it is free and no pre-registration is required. Just show up at 7pm EASTERN Time at http://www.thinwithin.org/chat.php and you will find Rachel sharing some things about Thin Within.
If you can’t make it tonight, you can still get in on the class. This is an “open” format, so Rachel will welcome you any time you can attend on Thursday evenings at 7pm Eastern.
If you live in California or other Pacific Time states, it translates to 4pm. In the Central time zone, it is 6pm.
Why not take the plunge now! Enjoy being in a class with a wonderful, enthusiastic…and SUCCESSFUL…leader!