More from chapter two of Get Thin Stay Thin...

The authors continue to flesh out the detriment of focusing on rigid programmed ways of eating to solve our trouble with weight, food, and eating. It is so easy to focus on these rigid restraining ways of getting weight off when God wants to resolve the deeper issues at hand for a lasting change. In fact, the more we focus on these restrictive ways of “fixing ourselves,” the more entrenched our captivity may become.

–> How much of a struggle is it for you to let go of the rigid programmatic ways of “dealing with your weight problem?” Can you choose to release these methods to God and begin to trust Him that he wants to do a deeper work in you that is worth the sacrifice?

Restoration requires a life of faith–we believe we can be restored; a life of freedom–we risk stepping out of bondage to the past and our disordered eating; and a life of intimacy–we accept oneness with God and allow those appointed by God to participate in our restoration. GTST, p. 36

I read this so differently than I did when I read this material previously. I see it now as connecting beautifully with what God has been showing me about being willing to be in deeper relationships with others…to be willing to love. It means being willing to be authentic enough to let them see the real me.

Here on the internet it seems easy enough to share “deeply,” but in “real life,” where I have to look people in the face, it is tough for me. It means being willing to love them in a way that allows a connection, a glimpse beyond the “Sunday-Morning-All-Is-Perky-Perfect” or the “Bible Study Church Lady” facades. I know at times in the past when I have taken these risks, I have shocked the socks off of some folks sitting across from me at bible studies and the like. The idea of allowing “those appointed by God to participate in our restoration” is terrifying!

But the wall has to come down. I was created for intimacy and if my turning to food began and was fueled by dysfunctional breaches in intimacy with God and others, it stands to reason that being in relationships with others will be a primary part of this process of true restoration for me.

–> How about you? Can you consider the possibility that the very thing that you want to protect yourself from is the very thing through which God may bring your deliverance? Are you willing to invite him to lift your chin, step out of shame, and be authentic with people in your life? Not just on the web, but those that can look you in the eye…that you can’t just turn off with the click of your mouse?

God’s restoration is far more wonderful than the temporary resolution of our weight problem. It involves a complete recovery of our ability to eat and live as he intended. For this to happen, we must allow God to move and to work in us, using the hunger we’ve tried in vain to satisfy. God wants to change our character for a higher purpose: to make us more like himself. GTST, p. 37

Yes, Lord, please do it! From the inside out…

When God works his miracle of grace, he resurrects and empowers us to resolve the buried problem. GTST, p. 38