Image Source: iStockPhoto

Image Source: iStockPhoto

For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down,

the mountains trembled before you.

Since ancient times no one has heard, no
ear has perceived,

no eye has seen any God besides you,

who acts on behalf
of those who wait for him.

-Isaiah 64:3 ,4

Our God is unpredictable. Unchanging, yes, but tamed, no. He is wild and 
wonderful. The path we are on is filled with adventure. He does that which we 
don’t expect. His power is beyond imagining. From the very beginning, He 
has not “behaved” according to the expectations of man. Does it really 
surprise me so much that now as I seek to honor Him with my body, heart,
mind, soul, and spirit that He would do that which is so much different 
than what I might expect?? 

As I wait on Him for physiological hunger and allow Him to meet the
 hungering of my heart and mind, this powerful, awesome, wild and untamed hero will act on my behalf. His desire for me is beyond my ability to fathom. His willingness to come to my rescue rivals any of the best fairy tales–except for the one wonderful Truth. THIS fairy tale is TRUE. He will act on my behalf as I wait on Him.

I eagerly wait, knowing that I will see the face of my Lord.

Lord, thank you that while you may not be predictable, you are reliable. You come to my rescue. I look to you for your rescue today. Your ways are so beyond my ways. Thank you! Amen.