First: There will be a Thin Within chat today at 2-3pm Pacific Time, 4-5pm Central, and 5-6pm Eastern. If you are in Canada, check to be sure which time zone you are in! I hope you can make it. Visit this link to learn how to chat or, if you already know how, come directly to . I hope you can make it! We have only one more chat after this one!

As I wrote about previously, this is a season that God is calling me to have my computer turned off a bit more. This means I am writing less. I anticipate that this season won’t be a lengthy one, necessarily, but as I help my son transition from homeschooling into college (hopefully full-time by January 2011), I want to be available for him. Also, my daughter is transitioning from our rather “loosey goosey” approach to homeschooling to a very rigorous online academy associated with a major Christian University. Many things are changing in our home and I want to give my family my best. In fact, this is a large part of my Thin Within journey–to remove chaos wherever it is found in my life and to allow God to sanctify all of my life–I don’t want to compartmentalize any more. I want order in my life, not just my eating. 🙂

Image Courtesy of Stock.xchng

I still have a heart for ministry to those whom God may bring into my life online and in person who share struggles with food, eating and body images issues, but my priorities have shifted a bit for this season.

If you want to keep on top of what God is up to in the days and months ahead in my tiny part of the world, I hope you will consider subscribing to my newsletter. The subscription form is in the right hand side bar. In the future, I anticipate letting people know about writing projects that will be under way–the book proposal submitted to a wonderful Christian literary agent was accepted a couple of months ago and I pray that in the future it will be under contract with a publisher. All in God’s good time, of course. I would love to be able to let you know about that and other things God is up to as the seasons continue to change, so please feel free to subscribe to the newsletter if you want to know any updates as they happen in the future.

Terrific resources are available for you as you continue on this journey. I hope you will consider making use especially of the Thin Within forums — there is a great online community with helpful folks. Julie is the administrator there and does an amazing job. She has years of experience with Thin Within–working it at a very deep level. She writes beautifully and with such heart. She loves the Lord and His people and it is evident in everything she says. She is incredibly authentic, too.

Facebook has a Thin Within page, now, too. Pam Donaldson, wife of Joe Donaldson who manages the reins of the Thin Within company (with the partnership of Judy and Arthur Halliday) posts frequent updates there. It is a great place to get little reminders, practical tips, throughout the day.

I will continue to post as God leads, but I know that many may quit visiting the blog. 🙂 I understand if that is the case. I do hope you will subscribe to the newsletter. I send out once a month, if that. (I skipped August!).

Continuing to walk the path with you…