
I love receiving the comments from those of you who read the blog. It is so encouraging to me and I must say, I have to bow before God in humble adoration. I truly am blessed. Thank you so much for your ministry to me. If there is anything here at all that encourages you, it is proof yet again that “we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Corinthians 4:7).

My friend, Lundie, just posted the comment on the left and I don’t know about you, but this really does boil it down. Lundie also included that making that once that decision is made in the moment, we let it go. Even walk away, get distracted. Do other things.

Thanks, Lundie, for ministering to me–and others–with your insights.


My accountability partner challenged me when she saw some “small” compromises on my hunger graph last week…could I string together seven consecutive days of eating 0 to 5 or between true physiological hunger and satisfaction?

She threw down the gauntlet. (I am pleased she did.)

Today is day 4 of managing this challenge. PRAISE you, Lord!

A few thoughts of things I am learning:

1. The little foxes spoil the vineyard (Song of Solomon 2:15)–the little compromises can sneak their way into our lives…and erode things. Enough of that! No more minimizing what can cut away at a root of holiness.

2. I have found that when I am committed to this, eating outside of these parameters just isn’t an option…period. How profound this seems to me.

3. The longer I have gone in practicing eating between hunger and satisfaction, the less obsessed my thoughts are with food. This is good news to many of us!

4. There is a brief moment of temptation. (There it is again…that MOMENT thing!) If I can just make a choice to set aside that temptation in the moment, to reject it…I have found that it passes. That choice is then followed by a number of other “brief” moments where the temptation isn’t present…and during those “brief” moments my heart is flooded with joy from the Holy Spirit because I made the choice to take that moment and thought captive and surrender in obedience!

Take it CAPTIVE!

Sounding the horn! Take THIS moment captive! Don’t be taken captive by the moment!

CHOOSE to make a FAITH-FILLED choice instead of a FLESH-FILLED choice!

One tiny moment, one tiny choice…MATTERS!

A day is built of moments and a year is built of days built of moments and a lifetime is built of years built of days built of moments….so capturing even ONE for the Lord MATTERS!

Capture THIS ONE! 🙂

(Me, too!)