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What do you do when you have “blown it?”

A dieting mentality might cause a temporary poor choice to result in a longer lasting setback. I have learned nothing in the past 14 years of eating 0 to 5 if not to look at each moment as being significant in and of itself. What I choose to do now is every bit as important.

Yesterday, I wasn’t diligent with my 0 to 5 boundaries. When I went to bed last night, my stomach was uncomfortable. I haven’t done that to myself in a long while. While it is helpful for me to evaluate *why* I overate the way I did, that isn’t what this post is about. 🙂 This post is about what now?

I have a couple of choices. I can beat myself up over the head. This option is likely to result in condemnation. That certainly won’t produce positive changes. We can’t hate ourselves into positive change.


I can prevail upon the mercy and grace of God and extend that same mercy and grace to myself. THIS moment matters. What will I choose to do in THIS moment? Right now? As I begin my day, I can choose the RESET button. Yesterday is GONE. I don’t have to live in the shadow of it.

What about you? What choice will you make right now?

At the Beginning Again

Isaiah 43: 18-19 says:

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.


For years, God has been doing “A New Thing” in my life, yet I haven’t been willing to participate. This web log is here to chronicle my return to Him, the opening of my eyes and the submission of my heart.

Specifically, He is using my struggle to give my perception of food, eating, my body to Him, to remind me again that I need him as much as the air I breathe–no, more.

This will be a journal of my journey to walk with Him as he does a heart transplant, renews my mind and my thinking.

I will log applying myself specifically to the principals found in the book, Thin Within, written by Arthur and Judy Halliday.

I will write more later of how this day has come to be…and my optimism about the future. There is much to say!

Lord, I submit my heart to be transplanted. Take it and place a heart in me that loves you, that desires you, that seeks to glorify you in all things. Renew my mind. “Word of God speak…” Please transform me. In the Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.