Day One of our Trip

I have internet access! Yay! Right now, I am waiting for the family to be ready to head into Washington, D.C. Wakka Wakka

Thank you for praying for my son. He is doing great. Both kids are traveling like champs, in fact. Thank You

Yesterday was a loooooong day! The typical traveling challenge when on airplanes ALL day is how to eat according to 0 and 5. Then, on the airplane they pass out teasers. Oh my. “100 calorie Oreo Crisp Packs” for instance. Those things are nasty! How can they call those OREO anythings? There is NO cream in them at all! I thought the packs would be like mini Oreos…you know, REAL Oreo mini-cookies, just only 2 and a half of them or something. But no…they were like fake chocolate crackers or something. YUCK! When I got hungry enough, they got me off of 0, but other than that…barf-o-bits! Yuck Not even a teaser at this point. I call them TOTAL REJECTS! Smile (Can you tell I am a bit sleep deprived? Oh my!)

A summary of yesterday’s traveling was: Departed by plane from Sacramento at 12:30pm and landed in Chicago-Midway at 6:30pm CT. Took off for Baltimore-Washington International airport at 8:00pm and landed at about 10:45pm Eastern Time. We then had to drive and drive and drive to get to our hotel. I think we arrived at the hotel about 1:30 am.

I began the day yesterday keeping my hunger graph and then realized it was a lost cause. Not because my eating was off…it wasn’t (thank you, Lord!), but between the time zones (what time is it when you are in the air?) and eating only to a 2 (the barf-o-bits previously mentioned) and our coming and going…Definitely some of the eating was on the run.

One thing God wants to teach me is how to have a quiet place in my heart even when the environment is chaotic.

When we did arrive at our hotel, I noticed that my legs and ankles were VERY bloated. I guess that is something that “just happens” to me when I travel. I drank water yesterday, but nevertheless…not as much as I am used to. My ankles and lower legs were like over-inflated water balloons. EEEk.

This morning ankles and lower legs look less like those of an elephant and more like those of a human being. Yay!

Well, I think we are heading out here in a minute. I hope we get to see the Washington Monument, but tickets are handed out early in the morning. Maybe tomorrow morning we will get to see it.

Lord, thank you for this time with my family. Thank you that you have answered so many prayers for Daniel. He is doing really well, Lord. No tears, no excessive IBS symptoms. Thank you for the dear friend who left a voice mail for me last night…made me laugh out loud on the bus on our way to the rental car place…and thank you for the unexpected blessing of a larger car than we had reserved to rent. I know that is an answer to prayers prayed by faithful friends. THANK YOU! And for keeping us safe. I praise you, Lord. Whatever I do today, may it be done to glorify you…whether eating or drinking…yes, Lord, whatever I do….be honored and exalted as Lord. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

More on Boundaries – Traveling!!!

Tomorrow, my family and I leave for 8 days.

Have I ever confessed how I feel about traveling? I hate traveling. I am a homebody! I love being home. In fact, my husband and kids can have a great time without me and I delight in the alone time at home. Sounds sad, doesn’t it?

But God has put it in my heart to actually look forward to this now. My kids–Michaela 13 and Daniel 15–their wonderful Dad and I are heading to the east coast. We live in California, so this isn’t just around the corner. This will be the biggest trip we have ever taken…the farthest, the most “hopping around.” We are going to Washington D.C., Virginia (Richmond and Williamsburg), Maryland to see the Chincoteague “wild” horses, Philadephia to see the Liberty Bell and things like that, and Lancaster County to enjoy the Amish folks and some railroad stuff the boys want to see.

This is a LOT of traveling! YIKES!

I noticed the last two times i have been on a trip that my “Flesh Machinery” would kick in that said “I am on vacation from eating 0 to 5, too!”

So, I am starting this trip planning on having a godly boundary IN TACT. I will remain committed to 0 to 5 except in those instances where the Lord shows me I need to release that to him. I know that happens at times. He has shown me that I can turn 0 to 5 into a law. Like if we have a layover and this is the only chance to eat…well, I will ask the Lord if he wants me to wait or eat with the family. I know that I can go a lot longer without food than in the past…I am not terrified of being hungry any more. But I also know it is OK if He leads me to eat with my family to do so in moderation.

So, I am taking my hunger graphs with me. I have a pocket sized one I can fit in my wallet too. Perfect for keeping honest while I am gone. I may commit to my live Thin Within group tonight that I will SHOW them my hunger graphs from the trip when I return…for added accountability! EEEK!

So, boundaries will be traveling with me. I will focus on drinking a lot of water, as the when I returned from Tulsa, I had bloated a LOT. About 10 pounds worth of bloating! Fortunately, it wasn’t fat weight, but was true water retention. So I know that traveling can do that to me.

Well, that is all the rambling for now. Please pray for us. My son is stressing. He is fearful…and is somewhat claustrophobic…well…a lot, I guess.

Thanks so much!