Some have said in response to my weight changing so much that God has rewarded my obedience. Hmm….
I have to be hasn’t felt like *obedience* in the way I thought of it during my Weigh Down Workshop years. This has felt like focusing for all I am worth on my Very Great Reward. It has been about HIM. HE is my reward. (Not weight loss.) I get the Reward *first*…which is HIM…as I focus on HIM and delight in him, some changes happen in my life…and one of them “just happens” to be weight falling off my body. It is a very different mindset for me. Reverse from what it was in Weigh Down.
For me, when I had the attitude in Weigh Down that “God will reward my obedience,” that almost made it sound like “I will do my part and then God, by golly, better do His…” It was arrogant and prideful. God wanted to change my heart first PERIOD. He wanted to change my focus. He wanted me to delight in the goal reached already…the privilege of knowing Him, fellowship with Him, of being close with my Abba Father. There is no “If this…then this…” because Jesus already did it all. As I began to just live what was already purchased for me, to delight in the gifts he paid for with His own blood, things began to just happen inside and out… I think I had it backwards before. The focus wasn’t on the Lord then…It was on my weight. No wonder I struggled! If the focus is on the weight, it is always negotiable. But if the focus is on the Lord and delighting myself in HIM, well, it isn’t negotiable…that is what I will do for eternity, I may as well get started now! 🙂
Thank you for this post.. as I can feel the old WD things creeping back in. I’m going to refocus. I will be gone for a week with a dear friend who I trust to help me (not a constant muncher like my family is) and I know that His timing in this is perfect. I will miss being able to read your blog and emails for a week though! 🙁
Amen! It’s seek FIRST the kingdom of God! And then everything else will come in His timing and in His way…which is the best way! Thank you for sharing this!