It is a fascinating thing to “blog.” In fact it is fun to check the stats every day to see what visitors have stopped in…Have they been new visitors? Repeat visitors? Have they (you) browsed multiple pages while here? I so want to KNOW you! 🙂
My favorite thing to check is what is called “referrer.” It tells me where on the web the visitor came from just before landing at my blog.
For the past three weeks, I have noticed that the most commonly referring website after ThinWithin.ORG is Google. In fact, my guess is that 60% or more people come to this blog after doing a search at Google. Sometimes the search parameters are “Thin Within,” appropriately enough.
But of all the people that come from Google, I would say 90% of them come after the following (or words like them) have been typed into the search field…
“Is God Doing a New Thing?”
My heart has been stirred by snooping this way…by looking at the referring websites that have brought people here.
So many people want to know if God is doing a new thing. At first, I just assumed it was pastors preparing messages for the first Sunday of the New Year. I figured they might be looking for Isaiah 43:18-19 and just not know where to find it. So, thinking of Google as a sort of broad bible concordance, they have typed in “God Doing New Thing” and up has popped the results including my blog.
Two Sundays have come and gone since the New Year began, though, and the traffic from these “God is Doing a New Thing” searches has tapered off only slightly.
People are still on a quest to know more about the New Thing God is Doing.
I feel so moved. As the people of God, let’s stand up and be counted. Let’s testify! God says He IS doing a new thing. Do we believe what God says? We may not perceive the new thing…but He says He IS DOING it! Verse 18 encourages us to FORGET THE FORMER THINGS. DO NOT DWELL ON THE PAST.
Which are we doing more of? Dwelling on the past? Or looking eagerly for the surprise that God is about to reveal! The joy of God’s new thing that he is doing!
Let’s join Him in this new thing! There is a hungry world out there…they are using Google to find out if God is at work!!!! Let’s SHOW THEM THAT HE IS!!!! That He LOVES all of us! That He can flood full all the empty places of our lives…causing us to overflow with his abundance.
He IS making ways in the desert and streams in the wasteland!