Image courtesy of vudhikrai at
It was a bit of a slow fade for me over the holidays. So, today, I am declaring war on apathy! Will you join me? Right now, there are no foods in the house that I am likely to give in to eating outside of 0 and 5. This is a temporary “THIS MEANS WAR” stance….I mean for a week or so. Also, I am journaling my way through two sets of questions in Barb’s I Deserve a Donut and Other Lies That Make You Eat book…one set in the morning and one set at 5pm (or so) each evening. I am renewing my commitment to check in DAILY with my accountability partner. THIS WEEK I MEAN BUSINESS. Not only am I getting back in the saddle, but I am GOING SOMEWHERE!
How about you?
What is your plan to take back the Land the Lord wants as YOURS? Why rest in apathy until January 6th when you can get a running start? (Ugh…mixing my metaphors! LOL!)
I’m with you Heidi! It feels like the attack is a bit more “hectic” than normal. Got my armour on.
Good job, Carrie!
I’m right with you, too, Heidi! Let’s march on with God in the lead. “We are more than conquerors. . .”
Amen, Karen!
1 Corinthians 10:23 All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.
Time to clean out the fridge! I am all for getting a running start for January 6th. The leftovers are a stumbling block, even though I can have them when I’m at a zero. Thanks, Heidi, for reminding me.
I know the feeling, Karon. Sometimes in the name of freedom, we make unwise decisions…or at least I know I do. I am choosing to exercise my freedom right now, but having the house free of those things that I have been tempted to eat outside of 0 to 5. What a relief!
Hi Heidi, So here I am on the eve of the new year week ahead. I have to say that 2013 has been a hard year for me. As always the beginning of a new year I find hope and encouragement to get started on a new journey feeling very positive of this will be my year of change. I know my patterns all to well of busyness working full time and a list of emotions that trigger the ongoing battle this time of year. So I am here hoping for the Lord to do another new thing…Nothing in 2013 was wasted but I have stayed the same in the are of weight yo yo of 20 pounds up and down. I was leary of the eating until full bowing to the idea but that word is “bow” for 2013…I find my next step this year is to KNEEL…..THIS IS MY WORD FOR THIS YEAR KNEEL….A HEART OF SURRENDER TO THE ONE WHO HAS DESIGNED ME. I KNOW from past discussions and experiences I cannot do this on my own…I am not fully equipped…but I do believe he is equipping my heart for a year of change. I was glad to see you are opening the door for another try for those of us whostill need help thank you
Hi, Jen. I am with you. This year has been the most challenging one I have had in my entire adult life. And the Lord IS DOING a new thing. The trick is sometimes we don’t perceive it. You are so right…nothing is wasted. He wants to break us free of yo-yo weight, yo-yo actions, and yo-yo thinking! I love the word you have chosen for 2014. Great idea!
I slipped off the horse a few days before Thanksgiving. With so much to do and 12 relatives descending upon me, my confessions fell by the wayside. The pattern continued throughout the Christmas season. Baking and entertaining; hosting and attending to others; it was endless. I realized that I did not have enough “change time” under my belt before the storm hit. Our last entertaining event for the season was on Saturday the 28th. I had decided that I would not wait until the 1st of the year to “regroup” but instead begin again the following day, Sunday. But little did I know that I would face one more challenge that would rock my boat, showing me again that I had not yet build a solid foundation upon which to stand. After the onset of a totally unexpected, unexplained “something” my little dog Annie died this morning. It is amazing how a four-legged little fur ball could work her way into my heart so deeply. The house is so quiet now. I am heart-broken.
Hi, Lisa. I am so sorry for the loss of your dog. It is hard to focus during our trials. God wants to be our Comforter, but so often we struggle with running to him when the kitchen seems closer. 🙁 Hang in there, Lisa!
I am so sorry for your loss of your furry friend lisa. I know what that feels like. Reading your holiday pattern caused me to think on something I have been trying to learn….I realized that I think so much on what I think others need or want that I put myself in a vulnerable position to just give in to what they need or use it as an excuse to join them. I many times this past year said I don’t care we can do that….eat that….what do you want to others….because I was tired and last minute needing to get something quick on the table or even in planning a menu for others without looking at it for myself and my needs I failed to follow…Heidis blog today speaks of Honoring God not giving that honor away due to someone elses needs its a balance 🙂 Im just seeing some of this. So My resolve this year is to think on God being honored thank you Heidi sometimes by loving myself enough to not give in to destructive behavior patterns that put others desires above my own.
AMEN, Jen!
It is difficult. How do you not offend or feel guilty because you are not entertaining the way everyone expects you to? I want to be a blessing to others. My sister and I do it all and then everyone shows up. We tell each other continually that it is not about us; we do what we do for them; which we do willingly. But sometimes I wonder, how do I honor God in all this. Paul says do not offend in word or deed. Always consider the other person. One year Iong ago I had such a Christmas; every night I lite a fire and God and I spent the evening together. I was so wonderful. So Christmas.
If you do what GOD expects you to, you can do so freely to His glory. If you have the I Deserve a Donut book or app, you might want to look at the questions on Insecurity. GREAT stuff there. I recommend journaling through the questions and then extrapolating truths to add to your truth cards from them.