I hope you are pressing on in this journey. I know I am. God has called me to linger longer in His Word in the mornings and that has “cut into” my blogging time! I plan to get readjusted in balancing my time with this renewed call to study His Word. I just can’t get enough of it. That is a good thing. Not writing isn’t what he has in mind for me, so I know he will show me where to adjust so I can write.
Today, how about prayerfully pondering this quote:
Grace frees us to walk in the truth that nothing can separate us from God’s love. Our performance cannot; our brokenness cannot, nor can our pride or lack of self-worth. Embracing his boundless love frees us from our self-imposed performance-based prisons. God’s grace and love are not based on what or how much we eat or on how often we exercise. (Smith and Halliday, HEAL, page 89)
Do you agree with this statement? Do you believe it to be true? Do you live like it is true? How? What do you need to do or change to live out what is true–that nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord?
yes yes yes pressing on….feel like I'm getting nowhere but pressing on towards the goal!
yes yes yes pressing on….feel like I'm getting nowhere but pressing on towards the goal!