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Traveling can be a challenge, so I like to go prepared. The following video (blog subscribers may have to visit the website to see it) shares a couple of my strategies for traveling so that I won’t “belly up” and eat outside of my godly boundaries. Or, like my husband has suggested in his videos, I plan to “refocus” by having some “safe” meals planned. I share about that in this short video (half of which is out-takes…I was being a dork).
Thanks to PamW for pointing out some things in her comments that I want to be sure to highlight (so I am going back and editing this post).
Some things to consider if you want to try this approach:
1. Are you loving others well by eating your own food? I believe God wants us to prayerfully depend on his leading. If you are traveling with your family, taking food with you is probably NOT the most loving approach. You will want to ask God about that. Eating with the family–eating food out with them or down in the breakfast room if you are staying at “suites” that provide breakfast) is probably much more important than having a meal of your own food. PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW MY ADVICE if this is your scenario!
2. Even if you are traveling alone (as I am right now), if this throws you back into dieting mentality, do NOT do it! Listen to the leading of the Lord, depend on him.
3. If you do bring food with you as I have, take food with you that you ENJOY! NOT diet food. The food that I have brought with me on this trip is what I eat for breakfast when I am home. For me to go out to eat or downstairs to the breakfast room (since I am staying at Springhill Suites) would mean I was planning to over-eat. This may not be the case for you. Having my food packed with me means I get to enjoy my favorite breakfast in the comfort of my hotel room all while abiding by 0 to 5! I ENJOY what I brought…this is a biggee. Please don’t overlook this! 🙂
How About You?
1. What plans can you make to assure you eat within your 0-5 boundaries next weekend, next holiday, or next vacation? Will doing so love others well? Is there some way that you can both love others well and follow your God-given boundaries?
2. My husband calls  intentional meals when traveling “Strategic Eating.”  Which meals this week might you plan to employ “Strategic Eating?”
I’m kind of torn on this one. One the one hand, I see the value of planning safe meals. On the other, it puts in my mind those bygone days of traveling with my sack of diet food so the goodies of vacation eating wouldn’t temp me. So while the rest of the family was enjoying an incredible buffet, I was back at the hotel eating my safe diet food and feeling deprived. I’ve done a lot of traveling and have decided (for myself) to just eat whatever is before me in the boundaries of 0-5. (1 Corinthians 10:27). For example, if I’m traveling with family, I know my sweet mother in law would be highly offended if I told her I was skipping her favorite out of town buffet restaurant to sit in my room and eat a safe meal. So, I just go anyway and eat a small plate of food. I look to Romans 14 to keep my heart focused.
Hi, Pam. Excellent point. I have so much distance from my dieting days now that I totally failed to be sensitive to that. So let me respond first by saying, YES, of COURSE! Be sensitive to the LORD’s leading in whether or not you do this. Secondly, my situation is also unique from yours (clearly) in that I am traveling alone. My daughter is staying in the dorms as we move her in. So for me, going out to eat for breakfast when I am alone would be (according to Romans 14 wisdom) to violate my conscience. Not because I *can’t*, but because the only reason I would “need” to is to disobey the Lord. I LOVE the food that I brought with me. It is a far cry from dieting food! But I totally understand how what I shared might send up red-flares. I think I will edit the post to reflect some of the wisdom that comes from your comment. Thanks!
I’m new to the boundary approach to eating and while I enjoy the freedom, sometimes I want to fear and plan, plan, plan everything that I eat. Then I’m in control. And while I totally “get” what you are saying about intentional eating (I think that is what you called it) I know that for this upcoming Labor Day and all of the back to school picnics, etc. I hadn’t really thought about it until now.
I teach, so my lunch time meal is already set in a schedule. If I don’t eat at that time I am not suppose to eat in class later. So I’ve been trying to not eat such a big breakfast (keeping my boundary at about a 2-3) so that I’m at a 0 by lunch. Then, most of the time my husband and I would rather have an early dinner so even at lunch I keep my boundary low and then I’ll be at a 0 for dinner. I will probably still do this as I approach this holiday weekend and several “back to school” events.
I used to eat a salad or something like that before I went to a party or picnic so I wouldn’t be so hungry at that event. Now I’m going make sure I’m eating within my boundaries on the other meals knowing that it is ok to be hungry when it is time to eat. 🙂
I used to “graze”. Eating when I wasn’t hungry. At the last church gathering I got my food and then ate it at a table with friends, and then stayed out of the food area until it was cleaned up. I had wanted to try some of the dessert so I tried to stay in a boundry that I could still try it. When it came down to it I really only wanted a couple of bites and then I was content. I’ve been learning that is really ok not to eat it just to finish my plate. Then during the meal I tried to simply stay with friends and talk and laugh instead of munching on food just to munch (and staying by the food area). When my friend came around with some fruit at the end our gathering I quickly thought about if I was at a zero. I wasn’t so I didn’t take any fruit. It was nice not feeling guilty about hurting her feelings and also not walking away from the gathering with a stomach ache. I will try this again also.
Hi, Beth. Yes, there is a fine line between control and godly planning. When I know I am going to want to eat at an event at a specific time (or when I have to at a certain time due to work, like you), I think it is wise to plan my hunger for that event or time. It sounds like you have some strategies in mind, too. Good job!
The video is hilarious! You were cracking me up! I like to have my familiar foods with me when I am away from home. Some foods upset my stomach, so it’s comforting knowing I have foods that I know agree with me. I just got back from vacation (aka visiting family) and I have to admit it was a bit hard to be completely loyal to 0-5 because there were foods eaten that I don’t get to eat at any other place (like specialty pies). I know I could have done better, but I’m not beating myself up over it.
LOL, Christina. I was cracking myself up, too. What a dork. My daughter wouldn’t stop watching what I was doing…bruuuther. Definitely not one of the most professional videos. HA! So glad that you are extending grace to yourself!