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I hope this video is helpful for some of you who are wondering about how to set up your own truth cards.
How about you? Do you have plans to design your own Truth Cards? Do you already use Truth Cards? What are some of the TRUTHS that you have on your cards? Share here so others can get ideas! How do you use them?
I just started really thinking about Truth Cards and Truth Journaling.
My first thought was, ‘WOW that will take so much time to write all this stuff up’. Next thought was, ‘You mean I have to write this down and read multiple times a day’. The next was, ‘I am far too busy to have the time to do this’. What a pack of mental LIES! Let me add truth to those statements. 1. I will be creating positive thoughts as I write up my truth cards and expose lies by truth journaling. 2.There are many things I read multiple times a day that are not wrong but, do not renew my mind like social media or email. 3.I choose where to spend my time. Will I spend it in a Godly pursuit or will I waste it.
I have developed some unhealthy eating habits based in childhood trauma. They are so engrained into my mind. It is only with God’s power I will change. I do feel strongly that I will be able to conquer this habit. Thru him I will replace my disordered eating with order. I will allow God to continue to make me into a beautiful woman of God.
Romans 8:37
New International Version (NIV)
37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Blessings, Joyce
Love your insight and identification of the lies!
I started creating my “cards” on Evernote. I always have an electronic device with me at work, home, etc. I am loving Evernote. It is a free app that allows you to create notebooks. I named one Renew My Mind cards. Yay. I can upload photos, scriptures, positive thoughts to the notes. 🙂
Joyce – I downloaded evernote over a month ago, but haven’t used it! I’m such a pen and paper girl. But, now I’m inspired to at least play around with it today. Thanks!
Hi, Joyce. Good for you for recognizing the lies where they exist. Sometimes, little “t” truths…things that are true, but that aren’t to be controlling, can be convincing too. For instance, it DOES take a lot of time to create Truth Cards, but while that is a little “t” truth, “IT IS WORTH IT” is a BIG T truth that trumps it. That is why I set aside a block of time on the weekend to create them. I add to them as I go, too. Other people make 1 or 2 cards here or there and add them in. I love that you recognized what was going on in your thinking. YES! You are MORE than a conqueror!
I love your youtube video Heidi! Very informational! I am going to have to watch again so I can add some of your info. to my truth cards as well! 🙂 Happy day to everyone.
Thanks, Adriane. I intended for us to watch that during class, but, as you know, we can’t record the video portion of a video shared…only the audio. It wouldn’t have been very effective.
So freshing! And I watched the videos of wk 1 & 2 of renewing our minds ~ sounds like the sessions my friends do w/ others, SOZO: Saved, Healed, Delivered! Thank you!
Hi, runningonmyknees, so glad that you are here. Thanks for posting!
I am so happy you posted this today. Having truth cards and a journal of work that I can turn to for motivation and for renewing my mind has been something that I’ve known I should do for a long time. And just this morning I decided to cruise through your blog to see what information I could find on how to make my own set of truth cards. So Praise God, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for!
God’s perfect timing, Chelsee!
I am on my second book of truth cards! I started one during the bible study that started in march. It wasn’t overwhelming to fill out bc I did it as we went along in the study. Mine include my renewing of the mind goals, quotes or ideas from readings or the blog, some of barb’s questions (I cut/paste into a word doc and shrink to fit on 1 page). The majority of the book is scripture. They mostly have come from the bible study but I put any in there that apply and speak to me. Some cards may have 2 or 3 verses and I use the backsides as well. This book has been instrumental in renewing my mind about dieting and growing my faith.
I will often repeat scripture as I drift off to sleep or if I wake in the middle of the night as I try to go back to sleep. Then my mind is bathed in the Truth and I wake up with it on my mind. And it’s more likely to come to mind during the day.
I use the smaller book so that I can carry it in my purse. Now with 2, it’s a bit tight! I read them every day although not quite all the scripture. And whenever I’m just sitting around.
I do have a regular size notebook (third since jan) I use as a journal. This has my work, notes and thoughts and prayers from the bible study and quiet time. It helps to read over successes and not successes and what I’ve learned on the blog. I wrote my boundaries, goals, plan and a prayer in a word doc and printed it out. It sits in the front pocket of the notebook for daily renewal.
As if that weren’t enough….!I have a smaller notebook that is part God list and part truth journal. I have taped truths in the front of that notebook – why I want to adhere to my boundaries- and review that daily. It sounds like a lot but it keeps me organized.
Lastly, I copy most of the things that I write here into a doc and then print it off occasionally. It’s like having a journal without re-writing my thoughts, successes and slip ups in my actual paper journal. I have stuck it in the back of my journal. I’m praying that we all know the Truth more and more each day.
Carrie’s testimony about Truth Cards is what God used to convince me I needed to do this for sure. I have in the past for other things, why not for the things I struggle with most? I have a difficult relationship in my life and I have a set for that. It made perfect sense to create a set for my primary boundary of eating 0 to 5. It has made a HUGE difference for me. Thank you, Carrie, for being willing to share just how powerful a tool this has been for you!
Truth cards – perhaps down the road. I have a Lies/God’s truth chart in my notebook. My TW Workbook #1 has now arrived and I will be starting Week One on Monday. I have to be careful to not try to do everything at once. I like what everyone has posted here today.
Sure thing, Sheila. It sounds like you have an approach for recognizing lies and replacing lies with truth that works for you! That’s the purpose, really. If you have any thoughts/questions about the workbook, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email, if you like. 🙂
Heidi, thank you so much for sharing this! I’m planning to update my truth cards because The Lord has been helping me overcome food obsession and now it’s on to the next “phase”. Praise God!
Yay, Christine! You have been working so hard. I am proud of you, my friend!
Heidi…After viewing your video last nite, I started Truth Cards..I set my boundaries, and it went well today..I spent a lot of time going thru some of your blogs, and Barb’s as well..I copy and pasted her lessons and printed them…Also wrote down some of the things you shared on this video… I looked up scripture on food; some I already on on index cards, and I copied them to my “Truth Cards”..I was going to paste them in, but decided that it would stay with me longer if I rewrote them..Thanks again for your encouragement.. Hugs..Barbi
Hi, Barbi. YAY! So glad to hear it! Let me know how it goes!