For those in the study of the Thin Within book, this week, please do the following:
1.) Continue to keep a cumulative list of all the characteristics of God and how he treats people.
2.) Take a few minutes at the beginning of your study time each day to ask the Lord to praise him for at least three of the things on your list. Any time you find yourself struggling with “Woe is me” thoughts, trade them for “Great is God” thoughts and use your list to just say back to God his attributes: “God you sustain me, you made me and carry me. Thank you that you rescue me! (Isaiah 46:4)”
3.) Read and complete Day 2, 3, and 17 material.
4.) PRAYERFULLY ask God if you should use any of the tools mentioned in this material (the Observation and Correction chart and the Hunger Graph). Please do NOT use these charts if this hinders your freedom.
5.) Post any insights that God gives you while reading. When you post, you encourage others!
6.) If you can make it to one of the real time chats, please do! The next one is Wednesday evening at 7pm-8pm Pacific Time (8pm Central, 9pm Eastern). Click here to find out how. Friday morning, June 25th, at 7am Pacific is another opportunity. Please join us for one or both! 🙂
I will post more about this week’s material later. I wanted to get this out to you! HAPPY MONDAY! 🙂
(Oh…Kim is helping me while I am gone…She knows the material, so while I am gone, Kim will dive in to support you as the Lord leads. THANKS bkimberli!)