This week we are reading and completing the material in chapters 13, 14, and 15. Pace yourself! I didn’t do a very good job of that this past week! How about you?
This week’s assignment:
1.) Please check in! If you are going through the study with us, would you mind commenting? Anyone who checks in on THIS post and makes a comment on THIS post, will be in a drawing to win a Thin Within workbook kit! Yes, you read that correctly! 🙂 If you comment on THIS post by Wednesday, July 28, I will put your name in a hat. I will draw a name Thursday morning of this week and have Joe Donaldson from Thin Within send you a workbook kit if I draw YOUR name! 🙂 Just let me know in your comment that you are studying with us, or gleaning something from the study, or…well, whatever you want! If you aren’t sure how to comment, just below the word “Print PDF,” click on the word “Comments.” It looks like this:
Click on “Comments” at the bottom of this post and you will be able to post your check in and be included in the drawing for a free Thin Within workbook kit!
2.) Continue your list of God’s attributes. What are you learning about the Lord? I saw that Believerkjk has a blog she is using to chronicle her Thin Within journey and she has posted down her sidebar a list of “What God is Like.” I love that idea!
3.) You have seen this before: Take time each day to praise God for some of the attributes on your list. Let’s keep it up! This praising prayer is powerful! Especially when we are tempted to give in to “Woe is me…” Remember, instead of “Woe is me, Great is God!”
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4.) Keep adding to your gratitude journal. You are keeping one, right? 🙂 Trust me when I say that it isn’t gritting your teeth and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps that will transform you and this journey for you! It is exalting God to His rightful place, praising him for who he is and thanking him for what he does! This is the way we keep ourselves in our place, too!God is at work transforming us from the inside out.
5.) Read and complete Days 13, 14, and 15 – through page 159.
6.) Respond to this thought this week on the Thin Within forums or here: One of the temptations we will face on this journey comes as we realize, though simple, eating less food is far from easy. The freedom we are offered can actually be frightening, especially given that we have used food to cope with stress in the past (often). Now we have too much freedom! Or so it seems! We don’t trust ourselves and then, when we DO eat less, we FEEL! We don’t like that! This is when we will be tempted to return again to the slavery of dieting. Have you had that temptation yet? If not, it will probably hit. Many begin to feel tempted to count points or calories again. What lies are at work? What is truth that you can use to combat the lies?
7.) Can you identify with William Well-Meaning, Larry the Legalist, or Abigail the Achiever mentioned in chapter 13? Which one and why? What practical things can you do to keep yourself on the Path of God’s Provision?
8.) Describe “Spirit-filled eating“ (page 136). What do you think of that term?
9.) Complete the “Belief, Actions, Result” activity on page 146. What truths has God brought home to you during the completion of this material?
10.) Speak the ten affirmations on page 147 out loud. What do you think as you say these things? Do you believe them?
11.) Plan ahead for Day 15. On Day 15 you will arrange an opportunity for yourself where you can have a meal that absolutely delights your taste buds, but where you practice all the Keys to Conscious Eating. We want you to have a chance to experience what it is like to eat and live this way by being really intentional about it. You can plan the meal to be out or in, the atmosphere to be “just so,” the foods and beverage to be what you love, to have a companion(s) or not. If you need a babysitter, plan it in advance. This is “on-the-job training” in how to live and eat the Thin Within way!
12.) Join us at one of our chats this week! You can find the chat schedule at our God Is Doing a New Thing website). There is a link to instructions there as well.
Look for ways that God is at work in your life this week. We know that he promises that he IS doing something new this week. Of this, we can be certain! Philippians 1:6 says so and so does Isaiah 43:18-19!
Don’t forget to comment by WEDNESDAY on THIS post, to be in the drawing for the free workbook kit!