This week we are reading and completing the material in chapters 19 and 20. This material can be LIFE CHANGING! It has been for me!

But it may require a lot of time…even more than a week. That’s ok. Just hang in there and work slowly through it.

God is doing a new thing!!!

This week’s assignment:

1.) Please continue your list of God’s attributes
This list must be getting pretty long by now! 🙂 I would love to know what aspects of God you have found most precious during the past two months. In what way has God revealed himself to you?

2.)  Please take time each day to praise God for some of the attributes on your list.

3.) Keep adding to your gratitude journal.  I would love to hear what God is doing through the practice of keeping a gratitude journal. Share it with us if you feel so led. You can do that here, on Facebook, or at the Thin Within forums (which is even better!).

4.) Read and complete day 19 and 20. – all reading and activities through page 218. Now is not the time to give up! Even if you are a bit behind…hang in there!

5.) We are our own worst critics. The very grace that Jesus died to extend to us, we refuse to extend to ourselves. We are so bent (very often) on our performance. Jesus never uses our performance for a standard for his acceptance of us. In fact, Romans 5:8 says that he chose to demonstrate his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Jesus died for us–to win us–to purchase us. Before we had a single Godward thought, he declared us before the foundation of the earth to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he adopted us! All because he receives glory from it somehow. Isn’t this amazing? This is the gospel! As you read chapter 19, PLUNGE in! Ask yourself as you read “Do I believe this to the depths of my being?” If not, ask yourself if you don’t believe it because it is NOT the truth (in which case, please tell me so I can pass the information on to Judy and Arthur Halliday!) or do you not believe it because the enemy has convinced you to believe lies? We are still rebuilding our foundation…to be sure that it is THE WORD OF TRUTH! 🙂 Journal about these thoughts.

6.) What do you have the most difficulty receiving God’s forgiveness for? What do you have the most difficulty forgiving yourself for? Journal these things–what they are, how they have affected you. Then write across the top of each page of your journal where you have written about this:

Nothing can separate me from God’s love for me. (Romans 8:35-39)

7.) As you complete the activities on page 197-199, refuse to be subjugated by a spirit of condemnation. The enemy is alive and real and wants to cause you to take this exercise and find condemnation instead of the very freedom that God intends. Don’t let the enemy have his way. Be watchful and know that your great Lord, King of the Universe, loves you and is the victor. He has made you more than a conqueror in Christ.  If it helps, use the affirmations on pages 125-127 to combat any feelings of despair. Those statements are based on the TRUTH of scripture! Many of us have believed lies for years and the process of being transformed from within requires the renewing of our minds as we have been learning! If you feel so led, tell us about what you experience as you progress through chapter 19 and the activities listed here or in the book.

8.) Chapter 20 continues to lead us down the path of suffering in many ways. This may seem like a needless (and painful) exercise in futility. But I can attest personally that this is one of the most freeing exercises that you will be able to go through. This is vital and it also is a way of living out the Word of God. As you read, study, and complete the exercises in this chapter, be extremely prayerful. Each paragraph you read, each line you write, ask the Lord to show you what is necessary in order to experience the healing he died to purchase for you. You may think that all you want to do is lose weight–God has MUCH more in mind for all of us!
9.) Try something new this week: If you haven’t yet visited Thin Within’s Facebook page  or the Thin Within forums, why not give it a try?
10.) Come to chat with us this week! Our chats are on Wednesday from 5-6pm Pacific Time (7-8Central and 8-9Eastern) and Saturday 7-8am Pacific (9-10 Central or 10-11 Eastern). Hope to see you!
11.) Use the opportunity to interact with the community of folks that visit this blog by responding to this post or to others. Watch for an opportunity to win a workbook kit #1 — a $45 value! 🙂
12.) Please pray for one another and for me!
Much love,