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I was asked in one of the comments about the schedule, so thought I would post it as a separate post instead of in a response in the comments where it might get buried. 🙂
Here is the schedule – the first link is to the study at Barb’s site. The second link is to the post here with the videos, assignments, etc:
- Setting up your plan: Start with this one! DONE (week 1)
- Careless Eating: It’s just one bite. DONE (week 1)
- Justification Eating: There’s a good reason to break my boundaries. DONE (week 2)
- Indulgent Eating: I don’t feel like following my boundaries. DONE (week 2)
- Appearance Eating: I have to lose weight. Week 3
- Entitlement Eating: I deserve this. Week 3
- Failure Eating: I already broke my boundaries. I might as well eat. Week 4
- Holiday/Vacation Eating: It’s a holiday. Of course I’m going to eat. Week 4
- Evaluation: How are you doing? Use this worksheet to find out. Week 5
I will probably add one that Barb doesn’t have — it is unique to 0 to 5 eaters — “Preventative Hunger Eating.” Week 5
- Emotional Eating: This will make me feel better. Week 6
- Losing-Weight-is-Hard Eating: I’ll start again tomorrow. Week 6
- Hopeless Eating: I’ll never get over this. I might as well eat. Week 7
- Good Food Eating:Â Hey, that looks good. I should eat it. Week 7
- Bad Scale Eating: I didn’t lose weight. I might as well eat. Week 8
- Social Eating: She’s eating. I should eat. Week 8
Then I will probably have a wrap up during a week 9. A chance for us to debrief about some things and a looking forward to what might be next.
As of now, I plan to use the Thin Within workbook with a RENEWING OF THE MIND focus for a study to follow this one.
So, how is it going for you all? Is this study helpful? Is your thinking changing? Do you see any differences in the way you act that you can tie to changes in your thinking?
If you feel like you are stuck in the same-old same-old, I want to encourage you to ask yourself this question…what am I willing to do differently so that I get different results? If you haven’t been working on the renewing of your mind, start there! 🙂
This study is so helpful! It is helping me to focus on this way of eating instead of starting and stopping as it suits me. The “renewal of the mind” has been very helpful. I actually asked a friend to pray Romans 12:2 for me back in September (and she continues to do so) because I know that my mind is where most of the issue is. I wanted to share my renewal of the mind goal – I repeat it several times a day and have it written down in an accessible place.
My goal is to:
Delight in being led by the Holy Spirit in 0-5 eating. I pray to see that it is a blessing and joy to wait on the Lord and to draw nearer to Him in this way of eating.
This is a spiritual journey.
CMK, thanks for your comments. And I love your renewing of the mind goal!
Thank you for posting the schedule! So very helpful!!
Hi Christina, my name is Jen, I too think it is a very helpful thought. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Heidi for this schedule. I am going to look at this.
My pleasure, Jen. Welcome!
Love having the schedule to know what’s ahead! Great personal “aha” moment while Truth Journaling this week… while identifying the outright lies is important (but I think? I’m pretty good at spotting those), it’s those “weak truths” that need to be replaced with God’s GREATER TRUTH that are my vulnerability. This distinction about truth (little “t” — uh, my truth?) needing to be replaced with God’s Truth (CAPITAL T!) is so convicting.
Oh, yes, Mary! I agree! God TRUMPS our “truth” (little “t”) with his TRUTH (big “T”). I love that he does!
Which workbook are you using after this wonderful study is over? What number is on the workbook so I can order it? Thank you so much for sharing your time talent and treasure with people like me who need help and a better hold on learning to trust God instead of food.
Hi Heidi, I actually felt the leading ofvtge Holy Spirit to a vs I thought was apart of WE only. It’s in Samual 1 where – obedient is better then sacrificing- I don’t know if this is a good issue. But, I feel guilty about my church having so many tithing conversations I think it’s too the church as a whole because my Pastor also talks about blessed you are if you give a more. Maybe I should pray about this. The obedient issue is that about food too in TW? Looking for peace…please let me know. Thank you.