This week, we deal with two really important challenges to our 0 to 5 eating boundaries:

“Yummy Food Eating” – when the food is there and it is “yummy” and we want it, so there! (Yep, it really is that simple sometimes!)


“Bad Scale Eating” – when I get on the bathroom scale and am depressed that I didn’t get away with eating outside of my boundaries or jubilant that I did or am disappointed by unrealized expectations and want to eat to celebrate or medicate (depending).

Can you relate to either of these causes for eating?

So jump on over to Barb’s blog and do Days 13 and 14.

Below are my thoughts on “Yummy Food Eating” outside of our 0 and 5 boundary.

(As always, if you are an email subscriber to the blog, the video doesn’t show up. Please come to the blog to see the video! Thanks.)

This week continue with your renewing of the mind goal. I would LOVE to hear how this is going for you. Are you discovering that you are changing the way you are thinking by being proactive about what thoughts you will allow your mind to dwell on? Is it time to recommit to renewing your mind each day or more than once each day? I know it is for me!

Please complete Day 13 and 14 (links above the video). More to come this week on these topics.

Please share with us here any questions or thoughts you may have.

What can you do to be proactive about the temptation that “yummy foods” offer you?