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NOTE: When I share a sound file like this, I feel a little weird. I know that my way of relating to God is probably different than most. I feel like I have let you into my secret prayer closet when I share files like this. I have prayed about sharing this and feel like God is in it, so I will step out in faith and trust that if you think I am weird, a nutcase or a Jesus Freak that someone somewhere is going to be ministered to, encouraged, or something…to make it totally worth whatever it might cost me. LOL! 😀
So, with that disclaimer aside…
God never intended food to torment us. When the thought of eating scares us because we know how we are, let’s take a proactive, intentional stand. Let’s renew our minds. Let’s trade the lies we have believed…including the lies we believe about ourselves when we do mess up. Let’s make a plan to do things differently. Let’s re-establish a boundary and then stick with it in the strength God gives. And let’s pray!
This is a sound file (if you are a subscriber, you may need to visit the blog site to access the sound file) that shows an example of how I renew my mind about how I think about food. This is intended to be an example, but you can also pray silently along with this. I hope that you will join me in continuing to renew your mind with truth. If this idea is a bit foreign to you, it comes out of Romans 12:2 and our bible study of Barb Raveling’s material (if you missed it, please find the list here).
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]You are welcome to download this file and put it on a CD or your iPod, but even better if you record one of YOU doing this very thing!
So, what do you think? Is this a practical approach to changing the way you relate to food? Is it possible it could help you?
If you aren’t comfortable doing it quite like this, you could truth journal. Learn more about that here.
Thank you for the prayer example. I do spend drive time in prayer but, it is mostly in my head and not out loud. I find my mind drifting away from my prayer to random thoughts. Praying out loud would keep me focused. I also like your approach of being proactive for you next encounter with food. I still struggle with the why of seeing some food you desire and behaving like you will never have this food ever again. Heidi you are an inspiration and a gift from God. Please keep on sharing. Blessings, Joyce
Thank you for sharing this. I have just begun on this journey and struggle with food tormenting me and I believe this will help so much. I learn better by example and I’m sure God had people like me in mind when He impressed you to do this. Thanks again!
Susan, thank you for your kind words. I am so glad it is helpful! God is doing a new thing and will lead you to a place of peace!
Heidi, the prayer at the end of your audio so inspired me…this was a great example of how to get started in my prayer. Sometimes it’s just the getting started that has my stumped. I am swept up in your passion and am infused with your praise. Father, I give you my day and wait on your perfect timing – Amen.
Thanks for that encouragement, Lesley.
Woooo Hooooo!!!!!! What a way to start my day! I am so glad I listened to that and THANK YOU for putting it out there!
LOL! Love your enthusiasm!
Thanks for sharing…great example on how to focus and refocus…..
Amen! Heidi. I am praying my own prayers too out loud. God is so good to us all. No fear of food at all LORD. I can eat when I am hungry and stop when satisfied. I don’t have to eat when I’m not hungry! I can have my banana cream pie if I want and not feel guilt and same! Thank you Jesus. You set me free to be free indeed!
My parents used shame and guilt and spankings when I was young to keep me from eating food that they said was bad! and used ugly words and pictures to shame me! some times they would not let me eat at all when every one else was eating at meal time. It was there way of punishing me for being over weight and eating to much. I pray God have mercy on them and forgive them. I have released them to God and do forgive them of there harsh ways.
My God Almighty I serve never ever does that at all to me…There is therefore now no condemnation in Christ Jesus. Amen. He is healing me and setting me free…I wait for His signal in body and Spirit….I ask Him to lead me and teach me. This is so wonderful and freeing. God’s love is so deep and wide. I am Basking in HIS LOVE TODAY! Amen.
Oh, Jamie. My heart aches for you. My parents, too, abused me with regard to food. Not in the way you describe, but they literally shoved food down my throat and beat me if I didn’t eat what they felt was “healthy” foods. To this day I have a gag reflex over certain foods. I pray that I might someday be able to enjoy steamed or fresh veggies, but for now, I get my veggies in salsa! LOL! I am so thankful for your presence here. Thank you for sharing yourself and your encouragement and your healing!
You are welcome Heidi….I too have a gag reflex to certain foods…especially PEA’S! My parents did those things too…FORCE FEEDING! Thank you JESUS for SETTING US FREE…I like my salad and tomatoes, zucchini, potato and love the SALSA TOO! Some fruits….So nice to know I don’t have to eat them Like the GOV tell us to in the Pyramid! This is so freeing. God Bless you 🙂
Heidi. this was so awesome. wow! I will be putting this one in a special folder so I can listen from time to time. thank you so much. wow!!!!
So glad to hear it, Red. Glad you are here with us offering your wisdom, insight and encouragement, too!
Good blog and prayer!!! I have been lurking here on the web site for a few days now; but, not ready to give up what I believe God is doing in my life [which is a little different as far as how I eat].. but, the Spiritual food for thought here is perfect! 🙂
Hi, Peacelily! Thanks for posting. Thank you for your encouragement. So glad that you are with us and that you stopped lurking! 😉
Thanks Heidi for sharing this powerful way of praying and renewing of our mind. I, too, will save this sound clip for times when I feel like I will give in to a craving outside of 0 to 5 eating. I am grateful that we serve a God that wants us to succeed. He is with us every step of the way especially when we are most weak. Thanks again.
So glad to hear it, Lisa. Thank YOU for your continued, ever-present encouragement.
Thanks so much for “letting us in.” I can definitely relate, and that’s why you are such a wonderful leader. It can be hard to invite people into those inner thoughts and prayers, and takes strength. Thanks for listening to God and making this post. I had some wonderful time on the train yesterday, I had a long work trip and I was able to complete chapter 2 with a lot of thought and prayer in silence. I have 2 little ones, so that is a rare gift. Soon, I’ll be back up to speed with the group. Thanks again. :)N
Oh, N!!! Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it so much. No worries if you don’t get back “up to speed.” God knows and God cares! He brings you what you need in the perfect time! We love you!