Lord, I miss your will in a lot of things, I am sure.

But this one thing I know. You call me to be still and know you are God.


I am here, Lord. Thank you that you have brought me to this place, this time, this hour of my life.

Be still…

My mind races in a million different directions, running ahead of me trying to get a start on the day. I know the best start is here…at your feet, Lord. Calm the storms of my mind, the anxiety, the agitation, the busy-ness of my mind. You whispered “Be still” and the wind and waves ceased. I invite you to do that in me.

Be still and…

There is yet more. In the stillness, I sense a great divine “and…” It isn’t about me, about my will, my way, my quiet time, my prayers, my blog, my reading, my “wisdom,” my spouting off …There is an and that causes me to anticipate…YOU, Lord. I sense a need for reverence in this and…You are here…

Be still and know…

Yes, Lord. I see. You are here. There is quiet, there is stillness. Even as the dogs play by my side, eager for their day to officially begin with breakfast. Even so, there is a stillness, a knowing…it is a knowing too deep for me to capture with words and grasping to do so undermines my need to be still and know…for now, I stop my fingers on the keyboard, Lord…

It boggles my mind, Lord that you can be king over all creation…holding all things together, aware of everything that goes on in the universe and in every heart of every child of yours…nothing escapes your sight. You see me, Lord. El Roi…the God who sees…you see me in this stillness, in this quiet, in this knowing…Oh! I must hush with the thought of it…

Be still and know I AM…

ah…there it is… whatever my need, whatever my question, your answer is “I AM…” Not just in this still knowing, but in the turning lane, at the grocery store, on the phone, grading papers, kissing my Mom…in all the mundane moments that comprise life, you are I AM…

Be still and know I AM God…

King, Lord, Savior, Sovereign One…all for you, by you, through you, because of you, unto you, your glory, Lord.
