Week 06 – Assignment Thin Within Book
This week will require more reading than previously, as we will be reading...
Wisdom from A Dog
A dear friend of mine posted this link at the Thin Within forums. A blogger...
Chat with us tonight!
Our chat is tonight, Saturday, 7-8pm Pacific, or 9-10pm Central or 10-11pm...
Don’t Stifle the Heart Cry…
Do you struggle with eating again and again at the same time each day, even if...
“You Are For Me”
This is so fitting for our journey right now. As we sit in our *need*, we want...
Living Life Between 0 and 5
Today's post is from a guest blogger. When I ran across this post yesterday, I...
Attributes of God – Cumulative List
Please post attributes of God that you are aware of, or that you have learned,...
Chatting Tomorrow!
Join us for the Thin Within chat tomorrow, Tuesday 7/13 4-5pm Pacific Time. Go...
Sitting in the Feeling
Be still and know that I am God.~ Psalm 46:10 Emotions are powerful. In...