Craving Comfort?
As I waited in my car at a traffic light, tears came. My heart ached for my...

True Stress Relief
Do you see the pattern? Rejoice in the Lord. Don’t worry. Go to the Lord in prayer. He will guard my heart and mind. Think on good things (I do this by turning off the news when I catch myself getting caught up in stuff!). Allow Him to teach me to be content for it is then that I can do all He wants through His strength. He will supply my needs. I don’t have to search for any other method but Him.
Patience & Perspective
Love is patient, but I’m not. Oh, I can patiently wait in a grocery line. I...

Myth vs. Truth
As I look at my day to day life as I walk this road to recovery from disordered eating, I decided to look at some of the myths I am holding onto and to see if I couldn’t turn those thoughts around with some much needed truth.

Your Body – What is Your “Natural, God-Given Size?”
When I was in high school, my mom put me on a diet. I was supposed to...
Combo Thin Within Workbook Class Starts on Monday!
Hi, everyone! Do you wonder how you can navigate the principles of Thin...

Bad Cloud Day
Every day I have a choice about what kind of day I am going to have. I have...

Do Your Clothes Fit?
I admit it! I have some clothes that just do not fit! Mostly, they are too...

A couple of weeks ago I shared about a recent detour I found myself traveling...