Choosing Jesus
Recently while teaching my music classes, I was using a book that came with a...

Accepting & Loving Your Body
I had sweet baby Joel 5 days ago (when I started writing this). He came right...

True Satisfaction
I recently shared in the Hunger Within class that I am co-leading, how I...

An Impostor of Shame
I have come to believe that one of the most disheartening consequences...

Self Will Run Riot
I suffer from Self Will Run Riot. You may have never heard that phrase unless...

Don’t Give Up
Have you ever wanted to just give up? I mean...you've eaten 0-5, you have...

I shall not want…
I am in the middle of a “Praying 40 Promises in 40 Days” challenge. I really...

God sees you as BEAUTIFUL! (Who’s Opinion Matters Most?)
When I was a very young child, I didn't think much about my shape, size or...

I’ll Start Tomorrow
I’ve been thinking about the excuses I use to keep from doing what God is...