Image courtesy of Ambro /
Video Questions:
1.) God sees what you are becoming and will yet become. List some characteristics of you that God sees based on the work He is doing in your life. It is fine for this to be hypothetical if you like or, you can refer to the Who I Am In Christ list for ideas. This is how HE sees you!
2.) In the video (0:54) I refer to God’s “Big T” truth as “trumping our little t truth.” What does this mean to you?
3.) I use a number of bible verses in this video segment. Select two or three of these and create truth cards based on these, personalizing them so you can speak God’s Big T truth to your soul!
4.) Several times I mention that this is not a “Battle of the Bulge.” Why is it important to understand this? (Visit 2:40 to see what I think!)
5.) What are three lies that you tend to speak into your own life? What truths does God want you to trade the lies for?
6.) What is an example of a specific battle that you have had where you could choose between believing a lie or believing truth? Can you foresee a possible situation in the next day or two when you might have a battle? What lies might be tempting to believe? What truth will you use to fight the lies?
7.) What practical tools do you use to fight the fight of faith?
8.) 6:48 – I assert that we have time to invest in preparing our minds for battle. What can you do this week to invest even an additional ten minutes each day to prepare your mind for battle?
9.) 8:00 – How do you think the enemy feels when you make even a baby step of headway in God’s direction for you?
10.) Why might it be a strategy of the enemy to get us to focus on weight loss?
11.) BONUS QUESTION: 9:15 – Is my dog cute? 🙂
Renewing the Mind – Pressing On
1. If you haven’t yet created truth cards, do so today. Or truth “Post It Notes.” That works, too. Create some new cards or notes. What will your Post-It Notes or new truth cards say? How will you use them? What do you think of the idea of seeing it, saying it, and hearing it?
2. Sometimes we get so focused on ourselves: our struggle, our fight, our eating, our mistakes. What can you do to focus on someone else or on the Lord as you fight the fight of faith this week?
Pick One (book or workbook):
Trade Book Assignment – To Be Completed by February 24th.
Here is the Thin Within Book Study Guide Week 7. Feel free to discuss it at our Facebook group.
Workbook Assignment – To Be Completed by February 24th.
1. Read, highlight, mark Lesson 7, The Fight of Faith, on pages C30 – C34 or listen to it on Sound Cloud. Discuss it here in the comments section below this post or at our Class Facebook Group.
2. Complete the exercises for Lesson 7 on pages C36 – C-42. Don’t worry if you are behind. Just do what you can of this week’s material. Next Monday before the webinar, respond to the Review questions on page C43.
3. What have you added to your God List?
4. Use the entries for Day 43through Day 49 in the Temple Tool Kit.
5. For those who persevere :-), I will be doing a drawing on Monday, February 24, from all those who respond in the comments section here to any of the discussion questions or blog posts this week. The winner will get an I Deserve a Donut book from Barb Raveling. (Thanks, Barb, for donating a book to this!). If you already have that book, Arthur and Judy Halliday have donated a copy of Hunger Within. You can have that instead. All you need to do is post a reasonably relevant comment and include a notation “Please enter me in the drawing” or something like that.
6. Memorize Hebrews 11:6 this week. Personalize it and add it to your truth cards.
7. Join us on February 24th for our live webinar at 4:30 Pacific Time. We have special guest, Judy Halliday, who will share with us some of the challenges she has had to face over the years–especially more recently. She will share wisdom from the front lines Fighting the Fight of Faith!
How About You?
Have you given up? If so, it’s not too late to dive back in to the fray. Yes, it is tough. Yes we may get beaten up, but it is SO worth it! Remember, those who are victorious over their struggles with overeating and overweight are those who understand that they may not “get it” perfectly. They know that this is a ride…and we may fall off the horse, but over time, we fall off the horse less frequently and stay on the ground less long before we get back on. How about if you get back on today?
The recording of our webinar wrapping up last week’s lesson, Lesson 6 on Counting the Cost, can be found here.
Here are the Lesson 7 Discussion Questions for use with the webinar.
This video really spoke to me today. I have been backsliding the past couple of weeks and have gotten really discouraged. I even said exactly what you said not to say to yourself, maybe I am supposed to be heavy. I realized that I need to stop doing that and to stop focusing so much on the future. My devotional this AM applied so perfectly to what I am going through. It basically said to do the next thing and to not let a sense of failure corrupt my today. Thank you for the shake-up I needed and I pray that I will speak Truth to myself and not lies. I would love to be entered to win the book, thanks!
Hi, Jenn. Isn’t the ol’ serpent crafty? We start telling ourselves lies and become convinced that it is our truth. Then our beliefs are rooted in lies and we act out of our beliefs. It isn’t long before we are justifying by our actions the very lie that we never needed to believe! I love that…what you shared…that failure doesn’t get to corrupt our day. NO WAY. Failure can be a great teacher. 🙂 So glad that you are recommitting to telling yourself truth today. You are entered in the book drawing. 🙂
I realize through this post that I really need to be using my Truth Cards more often. I write such wonderful words of God’s wisdom in them almost every day, and use them in times of battle, but I did not think to start my day off with 10 minutes of reading through them (although I know you’ve said it many times before, today it seemed to “click”). This is definately something that I will now add to my morning devotional time. I would love to be entered into the book drawing. Blessings.
Yes, Cynthia. Taking them with us into our day to have a “truth snack” during the day is another strategy that can work wonders. 🙂 So glad you plan to add this to your devotional time. It works wonders for me when I do it. 🙂 And again just before the dinner hour. You are in the book drawing. 🙂
This is a powerful video. I will watch it several times today. I am sure I will get something new every time!
Yes, by the way, your dog is cute!! : )
I have been making Truth Cards… I love it! They are filling up fast!!!
Daisy says THANK YOU! (pant pant…lol) I have entered you in the drawing, too, Susan. I assume you might like that. 🙂
Thank you again, Heidi, for these words of encouragement filled with His Truth in Spirit. Our Abba Father God tells us we are in a battle, spiritual battle, fought on the battleground of our minds, and He has given us everything we need to be victorious; all praise and glory to You, LORD! May we keep our armor of God on with prayer! May we glorify You in these temples of Yours! We press onward with the HOPE in Christ Jesus, Truth and grace, and resurrecting power of God the Holy Spirit. Oh, I think your Daisy is so cute and better than any ‘dollop of Daisy’ sour cream:)). Would love to be entered into the drawing for Barb’s wonderful book, also! Thank you so much!! LOVE and hugs, Pamela
Hi, Pamela. Amen to that…all praise and glory to God. Daisy is so glad to be getting attention. 🙂 She is featured in next week’s video, too. I can’t seem to keep her out of them. 🙂 You are entered in the drawing, too!
I totally understand that this is not a battle of the bulge, but a spiritual battle because if I want to get closer to God and embrace God’s truth, the enemy doesn’t like that…too bad I belong to Jesus…He bought me with His precious blood…I am victorious only because the Victor lives in me by the power of his Holy Spirit!! I have always been aware of putting on the armor of God and do so more often now as I am drawing closer to God each day. I picture putting on the armor of God , each piece as I pray that scripture out loud. For example, as I put on the belt of Truth…it is Jesus who is the Truth who is going around me and surrounding my body. I also fight the good fight by turning to Scripture more and just praying about anything…our God cares about all the small details and my weaknesses too. I have just recently put away the scale and that is because in my dieting past, it was the scale that gave me approval…that is a lie from the enemy…it is God who I want to please and I want to live within His boundaries for eating. I have given up food and snacking since starting again with the bible study, but He is now talking about where is my “5”, and I just have to ask him to show me before I start to eat. By the way, Your dog daisy is a cutie and I would love to be put in the draw for the book “I deserve a donut” for next webinar.
Oh, Gillian…such great truths in your comment. Amen and Amen! What a great strategy to put on the Armor of God.I am so blessed to hear that you have put away the scale! Now THAT is taking ground back from the enemy! and thanks for such kind words about Diasy girl. You are definitely in the drawing for the book. 🙂
Heidi, I have not given up. But it certainly is a struggle. If it were not for this class I would have given up after the first week. (the usual scenario). I am learning so much from your videos, webinars, the FB group. Everyone is so encouraging. I am discouraged though, because I am not seeing the weight loss I was hoping for. Listening to the last webinar had me wondering… You talk about unrealistic expectations. I really would love to release at least 30 lbs. Ideally more, but taking my age into consideration and all, I thought about 30 would be realistic.
A couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with some allergies. I’ve been trying to figure out how this affects weight gain. God has shown me a number of foods that I just can’t eat. Yesterday I ate a baked apple in the morning and felt sick all day. I think I did not realize before the “discernment phase” how certain foods were affecting me. Yesterday I had a pity-party all day. Feeling sorry for myself as more and more foods are going on the “not beneficial” list. This is a real learning experience. So far – wheat/grains are a problem, and any raw veggies and fruit. Now also a baked apple…It’s amazing how many foods we normally eat include grains of some sort. What’s left to eat?
It is discouraging. I am so thankful for the many positive attitudes in this class. I am thankful that God is with me every step of this journey, I am thankful for the lessons and videos. All these things are helping to me to keep going. I would love to be entered into the draw for Barb Ravelings book, please.
Hi, Corrinne. I am so glad the class is an encouragement to you. That means so much to me. The FB group is a special group! So amazing to have so much encouragement all in one place.Don’t miss the webinar this coming Monday when Judy Halliday will talk about these very things…the “not beneficial” list that she has to deal with now. I know that God will show you the many options still out there. Hang on. Consider yourself entered in the drawing, too! 🙂
Heidi, thank you for taking the time to reply! What a special lady you are! I can hardly wait for the webinar on Monday.
Hi there! I’m not just posting to be entered into the drawing (although that’s cool too). 😉 I was very encouraged, convicted, motivated, and reminded of truths in this video.
Like others have mentioned, this video ‘spoke’ to me. It was powerful. You know, just earlier today in my women’s church group, spiritual warfare was mentioned… and here you are mentioning it in this video!
These past couple of days I have felt weary. I have been tempted to give up and go back to my old ways of restricted, obsessive eating behaviors and focusing on body image… instead of WAITING for physical hunger to eat and STOPPING before/at 5 when I’m no longer hungry, even if I want to keep on eating.
It IS a battle, and battles are never easy. BUT! Christ has already given me the victory! I am victorious in Him!
Thank you for your videos, Heidi. Thank you for serving us all.
Hi, Susan. You are entered! 🙂 Officially. I am so glad that God used this video to encourage you. Thanks, too, for your kind words. Hang in there. It WILL be worth it…in more ways that you can imagine!
Heidi – the part that helped me a lot from the video was getting my focus off of me and my weight and onto others. I can see the needs of others all around me, in my family members, and I can care more about them. I can WILL to love them better and more authentically.
Thank you. Please enter me into the drawing – ! Your dog is great. I have a 13 year old cattle dog. 🙂
13!!! Wow! That is amazing! Thanks for your kind feedback, Rosa. I agree. And you are entered in our drawing, too. 🙂
It’s been awhile since I have visited this site, things have changed. I have been so encouraged by the various posts and blogs. I didn’t weigh myself this morning though I was tempted. I would like to be free from bondage to the scale and allowing that number to make or break my day. I will be visiting this site more!
I didn’t eat last night till I was at zero. I had a good breakfast this morning and I am waiting till I reach that place of Zero to have my lunch. I am going to go and just spend time now reading his Word and feast on it! Thank you.