I Can Do It! He Has Given Me What I Need!

I Can Do It! He Has Given Me What I Need!

Do you ever wonder if you will ever “get it”? Are there days when you wonder if you are truly a Jesus follower or if you are nothing but an impostor? I have those days. There are days where every little nudge in a negative direction sends me tumbling off the “I’m not a nice girl” cliff. There are days where even the smallest inconvenience seems to turn into the BIGGEST frustration of my life. These days when I suffer through circumstances like the one’s I just mentioned can doubly troubling to me because since I have been in the Thin Within community, I don’t thoroughly drown my frustrations and sorrows in food. Food just doesn’t comfort me the way I used to think it did. Sure, I could turn on the TV and be a sofa zombie. I could lose myself in my favorite show or binge watch a few seasons of something on Netflix. But, really, that doesn’t help much anymore either. God has awakened in me a hunger within for growth and change. I have a desire to be the woman He wants me to be. Finding a way to run away from why I get frustrated isn’t what He wants for me and truthfully, it isn’t what I want either. So, what’s a girl to do? Hum, how about take a few moments and renew my mind?

Standing on His promisesI just finished a 40 Day – 40 Promises challenge where each morning, before getting busy with life, I looked up a promise in the Bible. I would write the promise and then the scripture verse(s) out in my journal followed with a prayer of confirmation about the promise or a request to fully believe in and lean on that promise. This has been a wonderful exercise in helping me renew my mind first thing in the morning.  I shared in a previous blog about some of the nuggets I have received from the Lord during this process. I have another that I want to share with you that is so powerful and apropos for Thin Within/Hunger Within. Especially if you are finding yourself, like me, wondering when the great change is going to take place (by change I mean not getting frustrated easily, not wanting to continue to control my eating, or getting to enjoy a huge weight loss).

The promise I want to share is from day 32. The promise states that I have all I need to live godly in Christ Jesus. Did you hear that? I HAVE ALL I NEED!! Wow!! The scripture is 2 Peter 1:2-4 which states, “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”

Following_Jesus_webI love God’s word and how it speaks to me at just the time I need to hear from the Lord. I no longer need to feel inadequate for this task of following 0 to 5 eating boundaries. He has given me all I need to do just that. I no longer need to fret if I am hungry or just craving. He has given me all I need to distinguish the truth between my hunger and my appetite. I no longer need to get frustrated at every little inconvenience that comes my way. He has given me all I need to rest in His peace. When I struggle with feelings around ever truly “getting it”, I can let them go, for He has given me all I need to live a godly life. When I am tempted by certain foods or the desire to follow the crowd, I can say no. He has given me all I need to escape the desires of my flesh. I can walk this road of Thin Within/Hunger Within. He has given me all I need.

Lord, thank You for this great promise! This is what I am longing for – to partake of Your diving nature and to escape the corruptions that is in the world through lust. And what is lust? Wanting what isn’t mine. Thank You Jesus for opening my mind and my heart to this beautiful promise that I have through knowing You. Continue growing me into the woman You want me to be. In Your name, Amen.

Lies can only be exposed by immersing yourself in the truth. Bask in His truth today and be set free.

Accepting & Loving Your Body

Accepting & Loving Your Body


I had sweet baby Joel 5 days ago (when I started writing this).  He came right on his due date (February 12th) weighing 7lb 4 oz (my smallest baby) and 20 inches long.  He is healthy and sweet and sleepy. He does all of the things newborns do, including keeping his parents up at all hours of the night.  He is a sweet addition to our family.  We are all adjusting to the changes a newborn brings, and that includes adjusting to my post-pregnancy body.  In fact, I think we can all use a little “adjusting” to our body.  By adjusting, I mean accepting, loving, and embracing your body right where it’s at–no matter where you are at in life, no matter your current size.

I was inspired to write this post as I was laying down resting today.  Suddenly, I realized that my belly was no longer rounded, but flat (at least as I was laying down) and squishy. Obviously, I knew that my baby belly was gone, but it was just this deep realization that the baby is no longer taking up residence in my womb and that my body is slowly going back to its “normal” shape and size.  And instead of feeling this pressure that I *have* to reach my pre-pregnancy size, I felt this beautiful acceptance that I just had a baby and that my body is beautiful as it is.  I felt my squishy belly and thanked God for the beautiful miracle that just took place.  I give the Lord the glory and thanks that I’m not obsessing about getting back to a certain size, but that I can accept my body right where it’s at today.

So what is it like to experience eating 0-5 before, during, and after pregnancy?  It’s amazing! As I’ve said before, eating 0-5 works no matter what and that includes all seasons of life, including pregnancy and after baby comes.  My body knows exactly what it needs.  Pregnancy isn’t an excuse to “eat for two” and breastfeeding is the same.  Although, I find that I’m much more hungry while breastfeeding than while pregnant.  And that makes sense because the body needs a lot more fuel to produce milk for baby.  It’s pretty amazing how it really all comes together.  I don’t want to spend too much time talking about how TW works with breastfeeding (that will be for a future post); I wanted to expound more on accepting my body after having baby.


During my pregnancy, I had my times of struggling with thoughts of being tempted to go back to a diet after having a baby.  But the Lord has clearly shown me how diets do NOT work (95% of diets fail and you gain the weight back plus more over time).  I struggled with thoughts about my body.  I remembered that I was back in my pre-pregnancy jeans 2 weeks after having my 2nd child and I felt this pressure that I had better get back to that by then or if not sooner.  Wow, such unnecessary pressure I put on myself! (A few days after I started writing this post, I am in the next size down jeans.  So I’m not at my pre-pregnancy jeans size, but almost–praise God!  And a few weeks after starting this post, I’m able to [mostly] fit into my regular sized jeans).  But praise the Lord because my mindset is totally different now.  I’m going to love my body and accept it right where it’s at.  I’m going to do that by smiling at myself in the mirror and thanking the Lord for my body.  I’m going to cherish and respect this body God has blessed me with by being satisfied with His provision and eat between hunger and satisfaction (0-5).  I’m going to wear clothes that fit my present body.

One thing I wasn’t able to do much during my pregnancy was exercise.  I had all of these different physical things going on and it just wasn’t working to exercise on a regular basis.  I’m really looking forward to exercising again, but that could be weeks from now.  I will rest and respect my body.  I’m making an exercise goal, but I promise it’s not anything extreme or crazy. I’m going to exercise in ways that I enjoy and I’m going to wait until my body is ready and I’m well-rested.  I’m no longer going to put this crazy pressure on myself to have that “beach body”.  I’m not going to make my body a slave.  I’m going to give it the love, acceptance, and respect it deserves.  I am a child of God first and foremost.  I’m not going to conform to this world’s image; I’m all done with that.

These are not empty words.  These are all truths the Lord has been working and working on getting into my head (renewing of the mind).  I am not a number on a scale or the size of my jeans.  I am not my pre-pregnancy body.  I am who I am because of Christ.  It’s taken almost 3 years to (finally) accept these truths!  I’m so thankful that the Lord is so patient!

Wherever you are in your journey toward freedom, stop and ask yourself: what would happen if I accepted my body as it is, today, in this moment?  Would I give it more love?  Would eating between hunger and satisfaction happen more naturally?  Would I try shoving it into clothing that simply doesn’t fit or wear clothes that fit my present body?  Would I compare myself with air-brushed images or say ‘thank you’ to the One who made my body?

I know not everyone reading this just had a baby.  Maybe it’s been many years since you had a baby. Maybe one day you would like to have children.  Truth is, no matter what your body has done or how it’s changed over the years, you can accept it and love it and respect it right where it’s at.  You can honor God’s temple NOW.  Stop thinking you will only do this when you are that magic number on the scale (get rid of it!) or when you are “skinny”.  Thank Him NOW for the amazing miracles that take place each day in your body, whether it’s grown and birthed a baby, whether it’s gone through some miraculous healing, or even the simplicity of taking you from where you are to where you need to go and doing all of the necessary things needed for life (like breathing).  You were knit together by the Lord in your mother’s womb.  You were marvelously made!

Our body changes as we go through life.  It’s just a fact of life.  Let’s embrace and love and accept our body today!  Honor your hunger and honor your body by eating within those beautiful boundaries God has so lovingly designed.  Take care of yourself.  When you look in the mirror, thank God for your body; purposely thanking Him for those parts you aren’t so sure about.

P.S.  I found this really great article about the pressure the culture and media plays on women about getting their body back after having a baby and how it’s important to accept our new bodies.  Let me know what you think!

Self Will Run Riot

Self Will Run Riot


I suffer from Self Will Run Riot. You may have never heard that phrase unless you have graced the rooms of 12 Step meetings. I don’t have outbreaks of this behavior all the time. Many days go by and I am happy as can be. And then it hits…BAM!! I am out of control and I really don’t care. When I think about Self Will, I see a will that is far from what God’s will is for me. When I am operating in Self Will, I am operating in willfulness that gives into whatever I want, whenever I want and in whatever quantities  I want. When I am in my self will attitude, I don’t think about what God wants, only what I want. When I go from Self Will to the extreem Self Will Run Riot, I don’t care what God wants, or anyone else for that matter. Picture a runaway train. At that point having a 0 to 5 meal is the farthest thing on my mind. This can even happen after a “perfect” 0 to 5 meal. I’m just barreling down the tracks and not caring one iota about who or what I may run over.  It doesn’t happen all the time, but there is a pattern of when it happens. It is always at night, when I am alone and the house is asleep, and I am “suffering” from a frustration of some sort. Are you with me? Can you picture what I am describing happening in your own life?

I am so grateful for all I have learned since coming into the Thin Within Community and having the wonderful blessing of Co-leading Hunger Within.  I still suffer from Self Will Run Riot, but God is slowly healing me. The times I have outbreaks are fewer and farther between. I believe God works miracles today just as He did back in history, for He never changes. I don’t know that I really believed that He would break the chains that held me to this behavior, but He is and it is a true miracle. Why? Because I had become very comfortable in my ugly attitude. I cried out many times for healing, but if I am totally honest with you dear reader, I don’t know that I really wanted to give it up. I mean, after all, I could do what I wanted and then blame my “condition” of Self Will Run Riot and feel excused for my “bad” behavior. Then one day, the pain of the out of control eating became more painful than letting go of this behavior that was really a part of me. I cried out in that pain, and God heard me and answered. He brought me here, to Thin Within/Hunger Within, and even though I still fall into my old behavior from time to time, my life is never going to be the same as it once was.

In many ways the miracles began happening as I learned the tool of Renewing my Mind. I believe God’s Word is inspired by Him and that the whole Word of God is true. So when I read 1 Corinthians 10:13 which says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it,” and contemplate the truth in this promise, I can turn to Him when I feel my self-will rearing its ugly head, I can Road to Recoverystop, take a breath, and look for God’s way out. I don’t have to bow to self and absolutely don’t have to run riot. This happened just this week. I had a tough day at work and was feeling beaten down and discouraged. I was on my way to a binge (haven’t had one in quite a while). Out of the blue at a time we don’t normally talk on the phone, my hubby called me. That phone call was God’s way out. The call lasted long enough that I was able to get my bearings and put an end to what was happening. Yes, I ate past 5…probably an 8 or 9…but it wasn’t a 10+ as would have happened before Thin Within/Hunger Within.

I want to leave you with some other beautiful promises that have been helping me tremendously in my journey here.

  • Lord, when I hunger, You will satisfy me…John 6:35 – Then Jesus declared,“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
  • Lord, when I am dry and thirsty, You are Living Water to me…John 4:10 – Jesus answered her,“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” And overcomerJohn 37-38 – On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
  • Lord, when I need comfort, You will be there delivering it…2 Corinthians 1:3-5 – Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.
  • Lord, You make known to me the path of my life…Psalm 16:11 – You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasuresat your right hand.

When I stay alert to my patterns, and stop, take a breath and renew my mind with these truths, I can rejoice that the Lord does fill me with joy in His presence and I know the truth of experiencing eternal pleasures at His right hand.

If you find yourself in the first part of my story (self will run riot), but haven’t reached the second half (healed into being an overcomer), I am praying that you too will cry out to God and allow Him to work a miracle in your life. I pray you find yourself in my shoes, where the pain of how you are living becomes more than the pain of letting go.

Releasing “weight”

Releasing “weight”

Image courtesy of Mister GC at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Mister GC at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

My Thin Within journey hasn’t been so much about the physical weight, but more about the mental “weight”.  The weight of worrying about my body image, obsessing about food, fighting the diet mentality and temptation of going back to a diet, and bowing down to the skinny idol.  I’ve had people ask me why I’m so interested in this subject.  Like, why do I feel compelled to encourage others in their journey toward freedom when I *look* fine?  And my response is this: We all deal with the same lies, whether you are overweight, underweight, or even at your ideal weight.  The enemy is right there saying that you are too much or not enough.  So my journey has been more about releasing the”weight” of my thoughts and surrendering the obsession.  If I could weigh my thoughts, obsessions, struggles, and lies I have dealt with over the years, they would be considerably very heavy.

I did, at one time, have physical weight to release.  I’ve been 25-30 pounds overweight.  I’ve dealt with emotional eating.  I’ve dieted and then sought freedom from counting, weighing, measuring.  I’ve dealt with fears about food.  I know what it feels like to never feel good enough and to keep on reaching toward those temptations.  I know what it’s like to eat when I’m not hungry and then to keep on eating because of guilt and shame.  And I know what it’s like to have God’s peace in this journey, to taste the freedom He has offered.  I know what it’s like to be free from worrying about food and to no longer overeat.

But I still struggle.  I still find myself tempted to research about diets.  I still think I need to be a certain size and look a certain way.  I still worry about the unknown.  I compare past success on a diet program with success while eating 0-5.  I want the guarantee that this works.  And I compare myself with others.

Sometimes, for encouragement, I will skim through parts of Hunger Within.  Recently, I found myself in Chapter 6: Dependence Not Addiction.  And even though it’s a hard truth to swallow, I realize I have been dealing with addiction in this.  As stated in the chapter, addiction means to “give assent–to give up or to give over”.  Somewhere along the line, I had surrendered myself to body image worries, to comparison, the researching diets, etc.

If we give ourselves over to food, performance, relationships, or other compulsive behaviors, we may experience initial relief, so then we cling to them, making them the objects of our desire.

I have done that.  And it’s crazy to think I have found “relief” in researching and obsessing over my body, but I have.

As these objects grow in importance, our behavior becomes habitual and we can no longer satisfy or relieve our needs in healthy ways.  Even if we want to break free, we find ourselves enslaved.  Herein lies the greatest risk to our relationship with God: the addiction itself, rather than God, becomes the driving force or focus of our life.

That statement right there is an eye-opener to me.  I have looked to something outside of the Lord to try to satisfy my needs.  Some of us do this with food: we eat outside of our physical hunger because there is a need–but only God can reach that need.  Wow!  I really want to redirect myself (change my habits) so that I’m not reaching toward the avenues of addiction, but instead, I’m reaching toward my Lord and Savior and His Word!

The objects of our addictions become our false gods.  These are what we attend to, where we give our time and energy, instead of love.  Addiction, then, displaces and supplants God’s love as the source and object of our deepest true desire. (Gerald May, as quoted in Hunger Within)

I don’t know about you, but I’m so tired of going back to the same old behavior.  It’s that old rut of thinking.  But God wants us to get on His path of righteousness.  His WORD is a light unto our path!  He wants to pull us out of that old rut and onto His path of life.  I want to release this “weight” over to the Lord so I can be free!  And I know that will happen as I continue to press into Him and seek His truth.  HE is the one Who will change me from the inside out.  I want to press into HIM, not into the diet books and lies that I’ve believed for so long.  I want to go to Him instead of putting hope in something false.  I know it starts in my mind.  That’s why it’s so important to renew my mind.  That’s where the change starts.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor 10:4-5

I cannot tell you how many hours I’ve prayed or how many journals I’ve filled (at least a few), asking the Lord for help, digging into His Word, seeking His truth as He dissolved lies.  But I do know this–GOD is the One Who will change you.  Your part is to go to Him, and HE does the transformation work!  I cannot emphasize that enough.  Renewing your mind is a vital part of this journey!  Take those lies to Him.  Lay them before Him and trust that He will reveal truth!  Don’t give up!  He will change you and one day you will realize that you aren’t struggling with certain things anymore.  You will release “weight” and the physical weight.  He will change you from within and it will not only be evident on the outside, but we will think and live changed.  Praise God!

My journey isn’t over yet, in fact, recently it’s turned a corner and I’m so excited to share about that…but you will have to wait until next week.  Stay tuned!

Treats & Sweets

Treats & Sweets

Image courtesy of Iamnee at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Iamnee at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

One of the biggest concerns I hear from those starting out on their Thin Within journey is about eating treats and sweets.  It’s like there is this fear that to eat them, and that if they do eat them, they are going to indulge so much and gain weight.  There is such a deep diet mentality that has taught them that eating sweets and treats is BAD.  And isn’t that what diets teach us?  That treats and sweets are evil temptations that have to be held at bay or they will ruin us?  I really think this is a common fear when you are stepping out of the diet realm and into a journey toward freedom from the control of food.

I can understand this fear.  When I first started my Thin Within journey, I was so fearful of eating carbs and sugar.  I had believed a lie that they would literally kill me.  It was the first thing I had to renew my mind about and seek God’s truth about.  You can read about that in my testimony: CHANGED.  And I praise God, because He has changed me in that area and I no longer fear eating tasty treats and sweets.  I know I am free to enjoy those foods within hunger and satisfaction.

So I wanted to take some time to review some of what Thin Within talks about when it comes to our food choices.  I believe our food choices are based on individual needs.  No body is the same and it takes time to learn what is desirable and what isn’t beneficial individually.

In Thin Within, there are food categories called “pleasers”, “teasers”, “total rejects”, and “whole-body pleasers”.  These categories help us determine our food choices.  The description of these are found in the original Thin Within book for Day Eighteen.  Here is a quick summary of them:

Pleasers: these foods bring physical satisfaction, they are very specific (you may even have to go to a restaurant to enjoy them), they can change from day to day.

Teasers: these foods are convenient, “tempting”, they look better than they taste, not very satisfying, wasn’t on your mind until your senses were “teased”.

Total Rejects: these foods are (for you) too sweet, too salty, too fatty, artificially flavored, don’t even taste good, don’t make you feel good.

Whole-Body Pleasers: these foods make you feel good overall, foods your body calls out for, they are enjoyable while you eat them, and they leave you feeling energized.

Everyone will have different foods that fit into these different categories.  No one will have the same list for the same category.  As you go about your Thin Within journey, you will learn about what foods fit in these categories, but you still have the freedom to eat them.  If you have an intolerance or allergy to any type of food, you will learn to understand there is sweet freedom in choosing not to eat those foods.  Your whole perspective on food changes as you go through this journey.

I used to be afraid that even though I have found freedom to enjoy all foods that at some point God was going to pull a switch and take away that freedom.  But the Lord has shown me that He won’t take my freedom away; instead, He has helped me discern what foods fit into those categories.  Praise God!

Personally, I enjoy a small serving of ice cream almost every afternoon.  I have a favorite brand (or two).  Personally, these brands of ice cream are delicious and very satisfying.  One time we had a different brand of ice cream, which I ate one afternoon, and it gave me such a weird sugar high.  I realized, then, that not all ice cream is equal (which sounds funny to say).  I chose not to eat anymore of that particular ice cream and now I stick with my favorites.  So can I enjoy eating ice cream?  Yes.  Has God given me freedom to eat it?  Yes.  And now I make sure I choose the kinds of ice cream that are delicious and satisfying.

Have I gone through periods of time where I didn’t feel “free” to have ice cream in our freezer?  Yes, maybe a couple of times.  And it was for a very short season and reason.  It was something between me and the Lord.  And you may have those seasons as well, and you may not.  Everyone has their own, individual journey; that’s why it’s important not to compare or scrutinize someone else’s food choices.  There are no BAD or GOOD foods listed here or in any of the Thin Within material.  You are free to choose.  Praise God!

During my 3rd pregnancy, I discovered that certain foods would give me horrible indigestion and just didn’t leave me feeling good.  Normally, these foods are very satisfying.  I realized that I had the freedom to choose to abstain from these foods for the remainder of my pregnancy.  It was just for a season.

Last year, I touched on this subject in a post I entitled It’s Not About the Food.  I encourage you to check it out.

So the question stands: can you enjoy sweets and treats?  YES!  And can you enjoy them without guilt?  YES!  God has given you the freedom to enjoy them along with ALL other foods.  Consider your preferences.  Ask Him for discernment.  But do not attach food laws or rules.  You are FREE to choose! (Romans 14)

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,  speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,  forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth For EVERY creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. 1 Timothy 4:1-5

I cannot conclude without mentioning this important point: the more you connect any food with being “bad”, the more deprived you will feel and the more that food will tempt you to indulge and overeat.  So if you legalize the food in the beginning (Phase One: Freedom Phase), it won’t matter if you have a gazillion of those things in your fridge, freezer, or cupboard–because you will know you have the freedom to enjoy those foods within hunger and satisfaction.  But as soon as you start to label foods “good” and “bad”, you are on a slippery slope.  I know this from experience.  And this is a very common occurrence for those who are seeking freedom from the control of food.

So you are free to enjoy ALL foods!  Even sweets and treats!  The Lord will guide you in this!  Ask Him for help and discernment!  He will show you His kind of freedom for you in your journey.  God is SO faithful!  Oh…and you can enjoy ALL foods within hunger and satisfaction AND release weight!  Isn’t that wonderful news!  Praise God!

Be encouraged!

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.  Galatians 5:1