Four Tips Learned While Traveling (And This Week’s Winner!)


Going with Bob to Disneyland really was unusually enlightening for me this time around. Such a short trip, yet some great new insights!

1. Planning meals is important to me when traveling. Obviously, there are some negotiables that have to be considered when traveling, but having a rough idea of when and where and what seems to be important to me, not only so we can keep a budget and not “blow a wad” buying food in Disneyland, but also  to fend off the anxiety I sometimes feel when I am not sure what the plan is for meals. This is something that God is definitely still working with me on and I had no idea it was such a need until this trip exposed that fact.

2. Stress can hit unexpectedly, even at the happiest place on earth. To see how Bob handled the unexpected airline challenge was very illuminating to me. He wanted to deal with the problem before eating…even though he was hungry. I am not sure I would have handled it that way had I been alone with a similar situation! Here is the thing…life IS stressful. If we let stress derail us from adhering to our boundaries, we are likely to never make steady headway. I think the key is how we will handle stress when it hits. In Bob’s case, he didn’t even want to “go there” and sit down to a meal when he was physically hungry because of other factors. He mentioned in the video that being hungry, being in a place with so many good food options, and knowing he wanted to medicate himself from the stress all resulted in him not wanting to exercise self-control if he were to have a meal at that very moment. That was like an “ah HA!” moment for me. Funny how I can learn so much from him when *I* am the one who has been doing this for so long! LOL! He wanted to deal with the problem causing the stress FIRST. (Duh! What a novel idea! You mean, eating isn’t necessary in order for me to handle the problem? LOL!)

3. Walking into a situation where an abundance of FOOD sights and smells bombard (as they do in Disneyland) is NOT for the faint of heart!  It seemed as though everywhere we went in Disneyland and when we walked to and from the condo outside the park, there was an assault of FOOD FOOD FOOD! Everywhere we turned people were eating turkey legs with an incredible aroma! It seemed like ice cream cones were as common as Mickey Mouse ears! And that is just the beginning. I can NOT imagine doing this if I didn’t have experience with not giving in to food in the face of temptation. I know that 5 years ago, I probably wouldn’t have handled this without eating my way through the park. I am reminded of years ago when I had just had children and I took them to the mall. For me, the mall was ALL about all the different food options I could indulge in. It had nothing to do with shopping and everything to do with eating. I think that may be what Disneyland (and other similar destinations) are for many…and could be for me if I am not careful!

4. Partnering with a spouse is invaluable. I can’t pretend not to be blessed. The many years Bob was not on board with 0 to 5 eating were hard, though he has never been a “foodie” like me. He has always been relatively supportive…never intentionally derailing me from my boundaries. Nevertheless, to be partnering with him was helpful to maintain my resolve to persevere with my 0 to 5 boundaries.

Do you have a place you enjoy going that could cause you to stumble in maintaining your  boundaries? What strategies might you use to overcome these “stumbling stones” and come out the other side victorious?



I don’t want to forget to announce this week’s winner for our drawing! Whenever you comment here at the blog, I add your name to the “hat” (actually a brown paper sack). On Friday each week, I pray that God would have my hand land on the name of the person he wants to have the opportunity to pick a prize from one of our three prizes before I draw one lucky name out. The prizes to choose from are: Thin Within (copies donated by the Thin Within ministry–thanks to Joe Donaldson), Hunger Within (copies donated by Arthur and Judy Halliday), or a week of coaching by yours truly. 🙂

This week, we had over 60 names to draw from. That means you all were busy interacting with one another. THANK YOU.

This week’s winner of our drawing is Cindy!

CONGRATULATIONS! I will be shooting you an email. 🙂

Two Boundary Considerations


Boundaries can be effective in protecting what is precious from outside negative influence.

Boundaries can also be practical means by which we keep what is valuable within…from venturing into areas that are “unsafe” or unwise.

Here are some important things to consider as we establish, struggle with, maintain our godly boundaries.

Below is a 5 minute audio file. Thoughts I had on this subject while driving to a tennis match! 🙂

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

What do you think? Have you made the standard of losing weight so important that when you give in to eating outside of your boundaries you feel like the whole goal is derailed? Or do you have a sense that God is building godly character in you no matter what happens with your weight…and is it worth it to you to press on? Do you see your mistakes as part of the path to growth in character? Are there any boundaries you have set for GOD? Do you need to welcome His involvement in some area of your life?

Weight Loss Bible Study Week 3

Woman upset with her scale

Photo Courtesy of iStock Photo

How important is it to you to be thin? Do you feel like losing weight will solve problems in your life and just, well, make you happier? What if God were to offer you a wonderful change in your character, a heart that is being conformed to his, a mind that is not burdened, yet you weren’t as thin as you think you should be. Would that be ok?

This week, we have the opportunity to evaluate the premium we place on thinness and if we are thinking God’s thoughts about it or if we have some work to do renewing our minds about how we think about weight and size. I hope that you are encouraged even though the material may be convicting!

We will also have a look at Entitlement Eating–another BIGGEE in motivating much of our eating outside of our boundaries.

We are already in Week three of our Weight Loss Bible Study with a Thin Within Spin. 🙂 If you are subscribed to this blog with  email or another reader and the video doesn’t show up, please visit the blog site and check out the video.  Here is what is going on this week:

So, this week, be sure to:

  • Continue with your renewing your mind goal and taking time to try renewing of the mind.
  • Can you resolve to not eat outside your boundaries for three days this week?
  • If you haven’t tried Truth Journaling yet, give it a go.
  • Read and do the questions and journaling activities for Barb’s Bible Study Day 5.
  • Read and do the questions and journaling activites for Barb’s Bible Study Day 6.
  • Continue to post here. Each time you do, it enters you in the drawing for a free book or free coaching…each Friday, I draw a name. The lucky winner gets to pick either a Thin Within book, a Hunger Within book, or a free week of coaching. Not only that, but you all are such GREAT support for one another! THANK YOU again!

Weight Loss Bible Study Schedule

Image provided by Stock Exchange

Image provided by Stock Exchange

I was asked in one of the comments about the schedule, so thought I would post it as a separate post instead of in a response in the comments where it might get buried. 🙂

Here is the schedule – the first link is to the study at Barb’s site. The second link is to the post here with the videos, assignments, etc:

I will probably add one that Barb doesn’t have — it is unique to 0 to 5 eaters — “Preventative Hunger Eating.” Week 5

Then I will probably have a wrap up during a week 9. A chance for us to debrief about some things and a looking forward to what might be next.

As of now, I plan to use the Thin Within workbook with a RENEWING OF THE MIND focus for a study to follow this one.

So, how is it going for you all? Is this study helpful? Is your thinking changing? Do you see any differences in the way you act that you can tie to changes in your thinking?

If you feel like you are stuck in the same-old same-old, I want to encourage you to ask yourself this question…what am I willing to do differently so that I get different results? If you haven’t been working on the renewing of your mind, start there! 🙂

How Much Food?

Seven Survival Tips for the Holidays!

When returning to 0 to 5 eating or just starting out, sometimes it is hard to know how much food is reasonable to eat. We can eat whatever we want when we land at zero. (See my post about how to know if you are physically hungry or at a 0.)

But how much food should I eat?

It is best to give yourself a portion, rather than have a bag of chips or a serving dish of food in front of you. Put an amount of food on your plate and then let that be that. Experiment a bit, but you may want to establish a boundary that whatever food you put on your plate, you will eat that (or less) and then wait 10 minutes before serving yourself more if you think you are still hungry.

A fist is a very reasonable measuring tool to use to evaluate portion size. Here  is a video where I share my thoughts on the subject. 🙂

Another approach is whatever you have been serving yourself up to this point (if you haven’t been eating 0 to 5), try serving yourself a third or half of that. I know this sounds extreme, but just remember you can eat again when you are hungry.

Thin Within is quite simple, really, but we find that there are times when it isn’t easy. Times when we clearly want more food than we need. We can have all the practical tidbits in the world, but if we aren’t willing to say no to our fleshly desires, if we aren’t willing to live within our good, godly and delightful boundaries, then all the wisdom and insight will make very little difference!

So, are you willing? I personally, am romancing the willingness. Will you join me?