Body Expectations…
What kind of expectations have we placed on ourselves? What standards do we...
HEAL Week 4 Assignment
Here is the assignment for the lesson 4.Answer here at the blog: If you have...
Living Room Session 3
As we come to the end of Lesson 3 in the HEAL book, there are a couple of...
Seven Practical Steps to “Healthy Eating”
On page 65 the authors remind us of John 8:34, where Jesus says, "I tell you...
Just Saying No? need to be spiritually nourished. So ask God to open your heart to his...
Stomach Hunger
When to eat and when to stop eating?Thin Within and HEAL both encourage us to...
Three Types of Hunger
Clarity can be found in the pages of the HEAL book where the "Three Types of...
Changing the Heart
Wow...if you haven't gotten the HEAL book, page 59 alone would be a great...
Change Starts in the Heart!
Psalm 139 includes a verse where the psalmist asks the Lord to search and know...