Don’t forget the Drawing!

Hi, everyone. Don’t forget the drawing for the entire length of our study. I will be giving away a total of SIX books: three Thin Within books and three Hunger Within books that Judy Halliday has graciously provided for us.

Our first drawing will happen next week! All you have to do to enter is comment on a post here at the blog or comment on someone else’s comment–that works, too. I want to encourage community, as that is one of the best ways to experience support in our journey!

Even better if you can gather together with a partner or a few friends to go through our study with you in person! That would be awesome, too!

Onward! 🙂

Weight Loss Bible Study Preliminaries

Photo Courtesy of

Photo Courtesy of

Mark your calendars for Mondays, starting one week from today–March 4th–for our study of Barb Raveling’s Weight Loss Bible Study. We will study putting a Thin Within Spin on the material.

Before we begin, I wanted to share with you some thoughts I have at the outset.

First, if you know me at all, you know that I don’t prefer focusing on weight loss. And that is one of the things I love about Barb–neither does she. Even though this study is called “Weight Loss Bible Study,” she focuses our attention on renewing our minds so that the transformation we desire physically is birthed by a deeper transformation inwardly.  This is the only way to experience permanent change. It is only fair to warn you this requires a lot of work. You likely will be pushed out of your comfort zone. You may want to decide now what you will do when you are tempted to quit!

Secondly, Barb *does* use the word “diet”…be forewarned! So, when you see the word DIET or DIETING in Barb’s material during our study, please replace it in your thinking with “0 to 5 Eating” instead. Barb does a great job of speaking of boundaries. For those on diets, this may include points or calories or whatever else. For us, our primary boundary is to eat between 0 (physical hunger) and 5 (physical satisfaction). Please don’t let the use of the term “diet” throw you! God can use this material in our lives!

Thirdly, logistically, it can be easiest to work through the material if you print it out or have it on your own computer. I like to copy and paste Barb’s material into a Word document so I can interact with the material directly. This way, her blog posts become a journal for me that I save on my laptop. I can refer to it later or finish the study at a later time. If you don’t want to do that, you can print them out and/or journal in a notebook just as effectively.

What I do *not* recommend is to just do it in your head! 🙂 We tend to get lazy if we try that approach.

Given how much energy and effort and practice we have put into eating more than we need, causing us to carry extra weight, we can certainly spend time renewing our mind, thinking differently, by doing bible study. 🙂

So, what are your hopes, concerns, questions before we launch into this study?

Weight Loss Bible Study and Free Books Drawing!

Renew the Mind with Truth

Renew the Mind with Truth

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy,
to offer your bodies as living sacrifices,
holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—
his good, pleasing and perfect will.
~Romans 12:1-2

Join me starting on Mondays for a “Weight Loss Bible Study” written by my friend, Barb Raveling at her blog. I love her stuff because it deals with the way we think. We want to CHANGE the way we think so that we change the way we interact with food permanently. God calls us to allow Him to renew our minds.

We will start with the first installment of her study on Monday, March 4 (or that is the plan), but don’t fear if you start late. ANYtime is better than never! 🙂

Of course, you don’t have to participate here. You could, instead, go directly to Barb’s website and respond in her comments section.

Barb’s material is awesome and definitely applicable in many respects to our Thin Within journeys, but please be aware that she isn’t a Thin Within participant. So, there are a few things in her study that I will throw a “Thin Within Spin” on! LOL! I hope you will join me here and DIALOG with me about it. In fact, it is time for a new contest! I haven’t had one in a couple of years.

For the duration of our study, any time you post a comment, I will put your name in a drawing. So if you comment one time, your name goes into the drawing one time. If you comment five times, your name will go in five times.

I will be giving away two Thin Within books and two of the newest release from the Hallidays – Hunger Within (which is an updated version of Silent Hunger, Get Thin Stay Thin, and Thin Again). I am not sure how long it will take us to work our way through the material, so we will go from March 4th possibly into May, doing her questions from her study on Mondays. This is a slow pace, and it is possible I will adjust that, but for now, that is the plan.

If you want to get a head start, go ahead and head over to Barb’s blog and begin with this page.

Have a look and then let me know…are you in? If you comment here, your name goes into the drawing for one of the free books!

Press “Reset”

Press RESET!

Photo Courtesy of iStockPhoto

What do you do when you have “blown it?”

A dieting mentality might cause a temporary poor choice to result in a longer lasting setback. I have learned nothing in the past 14 years of eating 0 to 5 if not to look at each moment as being significant in and of itself. What I choose to do now is every bit as important.

Yesterday, I wasn’t diligent with my 0 to 5 boundaries. When I went to bed last night, my stomach was uncomfortable. I haven’t done that to myself in a long while. While it is helpful for me to evaluate *why* I overate the way I did, that isn’t what this post is about. 🙂 This post is about what now?

I have a couple of choices. I can beat myself up over the head. This option is likely to result in condemnation. That certainly won’t produce positive changes. We can’t hate ourselves into positive change.


I can prevail upon the mercy and grace of God and extend that same mercy and grace to myself. THIS moment matters. What will I choose to do in THIS moment? Right now? As I begin my day, I can choose the RESET button. Yesterday is GONE. I don’t have to live in the shadow of it.

What about you? What choice will you make right now?

Walking Together – Coaching Option



I have received some inquiries lately asking if I am still offering coaching. Yes, most definitely. And still at the introductory price. The details are on this page.

Sometimes, we have all the knowledge we need. I know a lot of you have read the Thin Within book, done all the workbooks, read Get Thin Stay Thin and have been on the Thin Within website for a while. I know, too, that some of you know that this approach works.

What you may feel like you are missing is support. That is what I want to offer you. That is one reason why I offer videos and blog posts here at this site. As you know, much of the blog content chronicles my own journey to release 100 pounds using these principles. Many of the posts and videos, though, I did specifically with you in mind.

Blog posts and videos can be really helpful (I hope!), but sometimes we need someone to walk with us. That is why I am offering the coaching option. I know you can do this! Whatever is holding you back, we can hurdle it together.

This is how it works:

1. When you contact me with your inquiry, I will respond in email.

2. We will arrange our first phone call which is 30 minutes in length. This is free so you can get a sense of if you think this may help you or not. It also gives you a chance to see if we connect in a way that you are comfortable with.

3. Before that first free call, I ask you to consider these questions:

  • What is your story relative to food and body image?
  • What is your experience with Thin Within?
  • What have been the hurdles you have faced in applying the principles?
  • How have you attempted to manage these hurdles?
  • What victories have you experienced in applying the principles?
  • What challenges seem to be a theme for you?
  • What are your goals physically, spiritually, and emotionally relative to this journey?
  • What expectations do you have for our four sessions?
  • What else do you feel is important for me to know?

4. During our first call, we will talk about the things on the list above. I will offer you feedback, some insights, and thoughts that I hope will encourage you. I will then ask you how you feel about going forward. You can take time after the call to decide this, of course. There is no obligation whatsoever. One of the things I will ask you to consider, too, is if you feel one of three different levels of accountability (or a personalized accountability plan) might be helpful. This is not required, but some find it helpful.

5. If you decide that you would like to proceed, then we can work out payment in one of two ways. You can either send me a check and we can start after I receive and cash your check or you can pay me via pay pal.

6. I will shoot you an email giving you a “first assignment.” The assignments will be prayerfully constructed to suit you and your specific situation. I will always eagerly receive your feedback so we can personalize this experience for you. For instance, some may need to invite God back into this process and want accountability that includes quiet time with the Lord. An assignment for this person might be to eat only when at a 0, but to read a psalm (or portion of a psalm) each time before eating, praising God for His character and that he has made her body to be so reliable. Another person may feel she needs to work through some forgiveness issues and I will ask her how she feels about doing that. That person, I may ask to do the material in chapters 19 and 20 (on forgiveness) in the Thin Within book. Those who are struggling to break free from a dieting mentality will be given different assignments from those who have been free from that for a while. Together we will craft a unique approach for you that shows you that you can be victorious.

7. We will use our calendars to set up our calls, hopefully for the next four weeks.

Each week you will be offered a unique assignment and each call we will talk about the assignment and anything else that you feel is pertinent.

I know just how much of a struggle this journey was for me (and can still BE!), but if *I* can do it, ANYONE can! That means you! The thing that helped me the most was having someone who had been down this path ahead of me cheering me on, routing for me, and fielding questions I had along the way. That is what I hope to be for you. Give it some prayer and thought. I know $100 and four weeks is a commitment.

And if you wonder about the money and why I charge for this service at all, it is because I want to help my husband by contributing to defray the costs of having our daughter in a private Christian college. We will also be helping our son get established in a place of his own once he returns from bible college in May.

What questions do you have about the Life Coaching/Thin Within Mentoring service? I would be more than happy to field your questions here so others can benefit from your questions.

Lessons From Deli Lady – Repost

I first posted this…well, a long time ago, but as I was writing a new post for the blog this morning, I realized.. “Hey! I have said that before!” and so I thought I would just re-run the previous post, editing it a bit first. I hope it encourages you!


My daughter placed her order at the local market’s deli counter.

“You can get a WHOLE sandwich AND a soda for just a dollar fifty more!,” the woman behind the counter proudly disclosed.

A bit taken aback by the assertiveness of the deli-counter clerk, my daughter quietly replied, “No thank you.”

“Are you SURE? Do you KNOW how SMALL half a sandwich IS?” Deli Lady looked at me for support. None was forthcoming. 🙂


“Yes. It will be fine. Really.” Michaela smiled weakly.

Deli Lady looked at Michaela and back to me with incredulity…back to Michaela again:  “All ri-i-i-ight then. A half really *isn’t* much food…”

I asked Michaela after we left the store how it made her feel to have Deli Lady be so insistent. She said that she gets that sort of thing almost every time she buys her (half) sandwich there. Folks are just trying to be helpful.

Isn’t it odd, though, that we have become a society that generally needs to be told how much food constitutes a meal? Fast food restaurants are famous for this with their “meal deals.” And portions at even higher end restaurants are huge.

We have been trained to think we need to eat more food to be satisfied. It is no wonder that we seem somewhat unwilling when an approach (like Thin Within) for arriving at and maintaining a healthy size encourages eating less food. We are convinced we need copious quantities of food to live.

Even if we are relatively active, we may not need much. Our bodies are amazingly efficient. And it is strange that if we (even politely) say “No thank you,” people look at us like we have grown a third eyeball. 🙂 It does make it challenging to maintain our godly boundaries. It isn’t just friends and family members who want us to eat more! Who would have thought we would need a boundary with a Deli Lady–a relative stranger?

Deli Lady was very zealous about the great deal she wanted to let us in on.

I don’t just have a great sandwich and soda deal to share. I know the Bread of Life. I know the One Who is true nourishment for the heart and soul. Yet do I ever get nearly so earnest about “You need to have this!” as the Deli Lady was about the great Meal Deal she told us about?

Hmmm…food for thought.