0 to 5 Eating is a GREAT Boundary

Boundaries are good things. They keep us safe–like on the highway. I sure am glad that most everyone abides by the idea in the US that staying on the right side of the double yellow line is a good idea. 🙂 A BOUNDARY! 🙂 I have a boundary when I go into a store. I see something and I may want it, but I don’t stick it in my backpack and walk out until after I pay for it. That is another boundary that I adhere to routinely. I bet you do, too!



There are moments of weakness when I may struggle with adhering to 0 to 5 eating as a worthy, godly, helpful boundary. For those times, I “whip out” my trusty Blackberry  (any device will work for this–in fact, I could use Evernote for it!–but you could just have an index card in your purse or pocket, too) and have a list that I refer to. Sometimes I need to be reminded that 0 to 5 eating is a boundary that I can delight in!

I have written the following in a file on my Blackberry:


  • I end up “naturally” being the size God intends, and being the size God intends, I fit into my clothes more comfortably.
  • Being the size God intends, my blood pressure is more manageable, my joints hurt less, I can get around the tennis court easier, and new activities strain my joints and muscles less.
  • Eating 0 to 5, I enjoy the variety of foods that God provides without having to obsess about content…this makes it easier to travel, to go out to eat, to do activities, and to generally live the life I enjoy for  the glory of God!
  • Eating 0 to 5 I am free to make decisions in the moment…I can rely on God to lead me.  It keeps me dependent on him in a way I wouldn’t otherwise be. Eating and drinking (and anything “ordinary” for that matter) can all be done for his glory.
  • I like not worrying about food and eating. When I have dieted in the past, worry seemed to be a constant companion!
  • I want to be healthy, physically *and* mentally–dieting was horrible for my mental and spiritual (and emotional) health!

I have some additional reasons on my list, but they are a bit more personal. I am sure you can come up with some of your own.

The bottom line for me is FREEDOM! Eating 0 to 5, I naturally land on and maintain the weight that is best for me. If I am especially active, my body tells me it needs fuel. If I am sick or less active, my body signals me it needs less. It is so much easier than anything else. I have found that it not only helps me to maintain my closeness with God instead of causing me to bow before a diet god, but it causes me to be closer to God than ever before!

What are some reasons that you think 0 to 5 is a good boundary for you?

Note: “0 to 5” eating is eating between physical stomach hunger empty (0) and physical stomach satisfaction (5). This is the approach endorsed by and taught in Thin Within. For resources and support, please visit the Thin Within website!

I Would Love to Support YOU

Yesterday, I announced that I can now offer coaching which you can read about in yesterday’s blog post or on the “Resources” page of this website.

But I realize that many of us can’t afford an extra $100–no matter how much we may want the services or no matter how much we may feel like it is a “good deal!”

So, that is where this video comes in. In the 6 minute video below, I share with you my desire for this website–what I hope to do to serve *you*. In a nutshell, though, I need to hear from you! Let me know what questions, concerns, challenges you have. I would like to then use what YOU say you need to know to provide very streamlined responses to encourage you. Most of what I know I have posted here at the blog over the years, but it takes a lot to wade through it all.

I want to streamline things. I want to eliminate some of the verbage and “zip” it up to be concise.

Let me know what you want to know about and what your questions are and I will do precisely that in the weeks ahead!

Would Coaching Help You Do This?

For years, I have been asked if I will “mentor” or coach others through the process of releasing weight. This is a journey we are on and sometimes it is helpful to walk with someone else who has been on the path before.

Until August of 2012, my focus involved kids living at home and our homeschooling endeavors. I didn’t feel that I had the freedom to offer coaching.

The nest is now empty so it is with great joy that I now offer weight-loss/life coaching. While I can’t do this for free–college tuition is expensive!–I hope to make it as affordable as possible.

My introductory price is four one-hour coaching phone sessions for $100. These can be scheduled in a way that suits you, though, I recommend weekly and it includes additional time in email. I am offering an initial half-hour consultation for free. So, basically:

1 – Email exchange prior to free consult

1 – 30 minute free consultation via telephone

4 – 60 minute phone consultations

Email exchanges (between phone visits).

For $100

Isolating “weight loss” from the rest of life is counter productive, in my opinion, so that is why I consider this more an offer to do life coaching with an emphasis in getting a grip on the weight challenges.

NOTE: If what you want is coaching to help you with dieting, I am not the right choice. If you are trying to apply yourself to a Christian, non-diet approach to weight loss and maintenance, then I think I can help. Let’s talk!

If you are interested, please email me at heidi@heidibylsma.com. Tell me a bit of your story and provide me with your contact information.  I want to find a balance between helping others just because I love to do that and my need to give time to earning an income for our family.

I hope to hear from you soon!

An Invitation…

Hope you don’t mind my putting up a 5 minute (just over that) video here inviting you to join me at my other blog. The reasons are compelling! Hope you will watch! (It ain’t purty, but *I* think it is compelling!) LOL!

Come over there to see what I mean.

Hugs! Heidi

Praise FEAST!

What can we do to be satisfied? What can we do to experience full souls that don’t end up gravitating to food when we are faced with a challenge? I have written about that here. I hope you will come on over!

You Don’t Want to Miss This!

Hey, everyone. You do NOT want to miss this blog post at my other blog. I am sharing about a wonderful app that is HUGELY helpful in overcoming emotional eating. Please pop over there and have a look! It can revolutionize the way you process emotions–it can revolutionize your eating and even your processing anything that happens in life!

I hope to see you there!