“Taste for Truth” by Barb Raveling

“Taste for Truth” by Barb Raveling


The more I get into the Word of God through the Thin Within classes, the more I want to whet my appetite for every spiritual blessing that is found in Christ. Barb Raveling’s bible study, Taste for Truth, is another one of her inspiring writings that have kept me motivated to stay within my boundaries.

At our church service this past weekend, I ministered on Psalm 16 emphasizing the boundary lines that God gives us. According to Psalm 16:6, the boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places. Often, I do not see these boundaries as pleasant, but when I look at the boundaries through spiritual eyes, I see the hand of God bringing nothing but good for my life.

Even though I lead studies, I still struggle with the temptation to eat outside of my boundaries. Daily mind renewing is a must for me. In the Preface of Taste for Truth, Barb Raveling discusses strongholds. I no longer want food to be my stronghold because it is a very unreliable one. I desire for God and His precious word to be my stronghold. When that happens, the stronghold of overeating comes tumbling down.

Barb Raveling discusses her struggle with gaining and losing weight, and her struggle sounds very much like my own. She discusses the amount of time change can take. No one wants to be told that releasing weight and overcoming food strongholds takes time, but when you think about it, it’s encouraging, especially when you’ve wanted progress to be quick like I have. Knowing that a certain amount of time is involved is actually comforting because the process has never been rapid for me. Thank God for His timing and His ways!

I believe that Taste for Truth will give us more than a taste of the living water and bread of life which brings true satisfaction and brings food into its proper perspective. I am ready for that “taste”! I am ready for my spiritual cup to be filled until it overflows with the truth of God’s word.

What about you? Are you ready for a taste of the truth of God’s word? If so, join me in this journey?

An invitation:
I invite you and anyone you know to join me beginning July 28 to indulge in a Taste for Truth. The study will last for six weeks with the weekends off, and it will end on September 8. Facebook is required as I will be conducting the study in a secret/private Facebook group. Send me a friend request on Facebook (Allison Browning Mitchell) and join me in this amazing study that is sure to change your appetite.

Allison and her husband, Lanny, live in Hanover, West Virginia.image They have two children, Aaron and Amber, and they are the pastors of The Haven of Rest, a church in their community. Allison is a recent graduate of Bluefield State College and loves teaching, writing, and reading.


Rotten Lies & Foundational Truths

Rotten Lies & Foundational Truths

“You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?  That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you.  “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” Galatians 5:7-9

Do you ever feel like you are going along on this Thin Within journey at a good pace, and then all of a sudden you get stuck or something gets in your way?  I know this has happened to me plenty of times.  Sometimes we have to stop and allow God to dig up what needs to be dug up so we can continue on once again, or He needs to remove the roadblock.

There have been a lot of things that have stalled me on this journey.  Mostly, it’s been lies I have believed or habits that I’ve had for numerous years.  For me, it’s been the lies that I shouldn’t be eating a certain food group, or that a well-known diet is the only thing that will help me so I better go back to dieting, being fixated on food research, etc.

Currently, we are turning our carport into a garage.  My husband and a friend have been working hard this week getting the prep-work done for the foundation before the concrete is poured.  They were working along at a good pace and they had one last corner to finish, when they realized there was some roots underneath the ground.  After several hours of digging around, what they found ended up being a tree trunk and it’s roots!   They had dug about 4 feet down, and then our neighbor came over with a chain saw and finished the job.  We had no idea there was a tree trunk under the ground!


What if they would have started at that corner first?  Would they have felt defeated?  I know I may have felt that way.  I would have been imagining roots everywhere!

We can go along at a steady pace in our Thin Within journey, and then BAM, we hit something hard.  And then we have to focus on digging around and working on hacking at something until that thing is removed.  We cannot just leave it there because it will make for a faulty foundation later on.  We can no longer pretend it’s not there.  We have to deal with it.  And we may have to ask a friend for some help.

Just like my husband and his friend, I have had to hack away at things that were giving me a faulty foundation–or that could perhaps do foundational damage later on.  It’s a lot of work to dig and dig, but our muscles get strengthened and we come away a bit stronger than before.  And for days after my muscles will remind me that I worked them out, but later on I won’t even remember.  And the best thing is that later on my foundation won’t sink because I took care of what needed to be taken care of.

When they first found the roots and realized it was a tree trunk, I remembered thinking, “So what!  Just work around it!”  But when my husband explained that it wouldn’t be good to have that tree trunk rot someday and then have the corner of our foundation cracking or sinking because of it.  Oh!  And that’s when the Lord began to pour into me what I am sharing with you today: we don’t want a sinking foundation!

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.  Matthew 7:24-27

I am guessing that you, like me, don’t want your foundation crumbling.  The best foundation to build on (and really the only foundation) should be the Rock of Christ Jesus!  Christ is our Corner Stone!  Everything should be built off of that corner.  If there’s anything else in place of the Rock, then everything is going to come sliding off and crumbling down just like the man who built his house on the sand.  Sand shifts.  The Rock stands forever. The Rock is Truth!  In relating to Thin Within, “sand” could be the lies we have believed, diet mentalities, placing our security in false securities, etc.  That tree trunk represented those things to me.  It’s all the lies that will rot in my mind over time.  So I have had to dig around the root system (the lies) and had to have some friends (accountability) help me as well.  As we dug, we exposed more rotten lies!

We can look at these “tree trunks” and give up, or we can put on our gloves and pick up our shovels and dig!  We can take the time to renew our  mind and allow the Lord to dissolve every lie (sand) and replace with truth (the Rock), or we can leave the trunk there to rot and cause future problems.  And if it’s too much for you to handle on your own, ask a friend (accountability partner) for help.  Sometimes we need twice the strength to help us overcome.

 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

How about you?

Are you stuck?  Do you need some help digging out the lies?  Do you have an accountability partner?  If not, Heidi has some great information about it here.  Are you willing to renew your  mind so God can replace those lies with truth?  Would you like some help in starting?  I would love to hear from you!



Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Hi everyone!

I have so many things on my heart that I want to share with you, but since I have “mom brain”, I’m having a hard time collecting some of those thoughts.  But I want to write something.  Anything!  So I thought I would take some time to encourage you.

No matter how long you’ve been on this journey, God is STILL faithful!  He watches over His word to perform it!  He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us!  Oh…and He LOVES us!

I know some of you are discouraged.  You’ve been trying.  You feel like giving up.  You just don’t know how to make this all work.  And some of you are down right ANGRY because you feel like you are a failure–or possibly because you may feel like God has failed you.  You have spent many tears, crying out to God to just help you release the weight, to help you overcome your food addiction, to make all of this easy.

Can I tell you something?

Lean in closely…I’m about to tell you a tidbit of truth that has literally changed my life…

God wants to transform you!

He wants to help you!  He wants to deliver you!  He wants to help you overcome!

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  Romans 12:2

We don’t overcome by following our boundaries perfectly.  It’s clinging to God’s Word.  It’s spending time with Him.  That’s how we are transformed.  It’s not our own work.  It’s His work.  Our part is spending time with Him.

I have seen a HUGE change in my life in the area of food and body image because of what God has done and all it took was me taking the time to renew my mind.  What does it look like to renew my mind?  For me, it means reading my truth cards at least once a day.  Usually that takes place in the morning along with reading my Bible.  And then each time I felt like breaking a boundary, I sat down with my journal and ‘I Deserve a Donut’ app (or book) by Barb Raveling.  I would write out the questions and answers.  If I was in a hurry, I would just read the questions and answer them in my head or out loud.  If I was journaling, I would write down a few of the scriptures that really stood out to me.   And I still do this when needed.

I believe each time I took the time to renew my mind that the Lord was transforming me.  And WOW, I’m so amazed at what He has done!  I will share more about that later, but for now I want to encourage you in your own journey.

Don’t give up!

Keep your eyes on Jesus!

Keep renewing your mind!

The Bare Necessities

The Bare Necessities

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


My daughter enjoys watching the movie The Jungle Book.  Every once in awhile she will ask me to play the Bare Necessities song that Baloo sings after meeting Moglie.  One day we were listening to the song, when suddenly it hit me, it’s really true!  We only need the bare necessities of life!

What are the bare necessities?  Food, shelter, clothing?  Maybe there are additional things like companionship.  Water?  I’m sure we can all think of what those bare necessities are in our life.

So how does this pertain to our Thin Within journey?

I can tell you what it means for me.  I learned this the hard way this past week.

The last year has been incredible.  The Lord has helped me overcome so much.  Through Christ, I have seen victory after victory.  There have been bumps along the way, but all of a sudden, this past week, I stumbled and fell on my face.  And I ate dirt.  And as Heidi just talked about, I got back on the horse, and then fell off again and ate more dirt.  And then I felt like the last time I fell off the horse that the horse dragged me through a manure pit.  Ever been there?  Yeah…so instead of just brushing the dirt off myself, this time I had to get a hose and spray off the grime.

But I’m back on the horse again. 🙂

So what happened?  I started to get panicky and tried to create ways to be more in control.  Instead of just eating 0-5 and staying within my boundaries (my bare necessities of my Thin Within journey), I decided to keep a food journal of what I was eating and give myself a check-mark if I ate 0-5 (which, is totally ok if you are led to do this–I was not).  AND then I thought that I should limit certain kinds of foods.  I really thought this was the Lord’s idea, but looking back, it was NOT.  And maybe He allowed it to prove to me that my ideas are not the greatest ideas.  Ha!  Instead of being helpful, it brought me back to my dieting and restrictive days.  The first couple of days were fine, but then I slowly started to see myself deteriorate into this rut of restriction.  This is not a good place for me.  I started to obsess.   And that’s when I really began to eat some dirt.  I wasn’t staying within the basics.

The Lord has shown me that I need to keep things simple.  It’s those bare necessities of my Thin Within journey that are what He wants for me.  If I go outside of that I find myself trying to control and be obsessed.  And then the mental weight becomes heavy and suddenly I’m burdened down like I was back in my dieting days.  There’s only a few things that the Lord would like me to focus on in this journey.  Those are my bare necessities.

Christ has come to give us life, and life in abundance.  The enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy–his focus is death.  (John 10:10)  Christ wants us to live simply.  The enemy wants to complicate things, burden us down, and confuse us.  Christ wants us to walk by faith.  The enemy wants us to walk by sight.

Walking by faith is not always easy.  When I follow the Holy Spirit’s leading with my eating, I’m trusting in Him and putting my faith in Him.  I think what happened is that I was starting to doubt, so I wanted to help things a bit by gathering some control.  Well, I gathered “control” all right and licked up some dirt!  If anything, I was out of control.

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6

I will choose to trust Him.  I am choosing to acknowledge Him before each meal and I’m inviting the Holy Spirit to guide me in my eating.  And He certainly meets with me when I do so.

So today I’m letting go of those extra, non-essential things.  They aren’t necessary.  They complicate things.  They make me greedy and discontent.  I’m going back to the simplicity I found in the beginning–through Christ–not my own strength or works.  Christ’s burden is light , but I started carrying a heavy burden that I brought upon myself.  And apparently the horse I’m riding didn’t care for that extra weight.  And the last time I got bucked off, I left that extra weight on the ground.  Praise God!

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30).

I really want to encourage you in your own Thin Within journey.  Maybe this has been part of the struggle for you.  Maybe you’ve been focused on too many things.  Is God calling you to simplicity–to get back to the basics of eating between hunger and satisfaction?  Your bare necessities could be a combination or just a couple of these things:

  • Spending time in the Word
  • Truth Journaling
  • Creating and reading truth cards
  • Adding to your God List
  • Praise and worship
  • Journaling
  • Bible study
  • Renewing your mind
  • Inviting the Holy  Spirit into each eating experience
  • Being accountable to your accountability partner

Maybe there’s something that is essential for you that I haven’t listed, but you KNOW that it’s something the Lord has asked you to do.  Those are all great things, but sometimes God only calls us to focus on a couple of things.

Something the Lord has been showing me is that He will provide my needs.  Christ says in Matthew 6:25, “Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?”  He doesn’t want us focused on food or what we are going to eat.  He’s going to take care of those basic needs, but our part is trusting Him and following His leading.

He’s also been showing me that if I am doing more than He is calling me to do, that I will start to lean on my own abilities and strengths–and I will become greedy.  Ouch!  If you are taking “too much thought” about what you will eat, how you will lose the weight, etc., then maybe it’s time to step back and re-assess your focus.  It could be time to simplify.  And really, this journey is about growing closer to the Lord and keeping food in it’s proper place, so it could be simply that He just wants you to read the pure Word of God.

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

 How about you?

Are you carrying burdens that you were never meant to carry?  Are you living by faith and not by sight in your Thin Within journey?  Are you trying to control things instead of just trusting in the Lord?  What are your bare necessities for this journey?  For me, it’s been reading my truth cards, reading the Word, truth journaling, renewing my mind, and going through a Bible study.  It may look different for you.  The Lord will show you.  And if you are carrying too heavy of a load, you will know.

Git Yer Bum Back in the Saddle!

Git Yer Bum Back in the Saddle!



Before I get to the blog post, I want to share some context. 🙂 The above picture is my horse, Doc–well, it is his rear end, but I think it is so purty. LOL! I haven’t ridden Doc on the trail in a LOOOOOONG time. He…well…he has issues. Without going into detail, let me just say that his primary issue is arthritis throughout his body and if that wasn’t enough his secondary issue (which is a big enough one all by itself) is…well…ME :-). If I want to go down the trail, I take a different horse. If I don’t take a different horse…what you see in the video below, may end up happening:

Now, that video that you watched is a compilation of a lot of really BAD moments for a lot of people–and, to be honest, even WORSE moments for horses, but I have to say…riding horses can be a wonderful, serene experience. Horses are PREY animals and to their brain, they naturally think anything that pops up or that seems out of place might be a predator that will KILL them. So they react now and think about it (maybe) later.

This video shows my horse, Breezy, with Michaela when she was about 11 years old. Nice moments. 🙂

So, with these two piece of context, I want to share with you this post…my latest installment about how Thin Within is like one amazing, glorious, incredible trail ride! HA! 🙂


Diets are demanding dictators.

You either got it or you don’t.

You pass or fail.

You win or lose.


There is no “gray” with dieting.

With the Thin Within approach, it isn’t a black or white, right or wrong, got it or don’t got it sort of experience–or at least not in my fifteen years of experience with this approach to managing how I relate to food and my body.

That is why I often liken it to a horseback ride down the trail. Permit me to do so yet again.

There is a cycle that happens for me and has since I began in 1999 and, yes, even since 2006 when I really began to get “focused” and more diligent to eat 0 to 5 and let God have his way with my food and eating. This is how it works…I begin to get a rhythm. Things are humming along–I am heading down the trail, riding along happily. Most would say this is “success” or “victory” or, if we let our previous dieting mentality sneak in, it is the “got it” time. I am riding my pony down the trail. Enjoying the journey. Oblivious to any challenges. They are ALL behind me…or so they seem. Granted, this “season” may be SHORT–like the few hours between waking up in the morning and the “pit hour” when the kids descend on the house after school. Or it may be literally months of eating 0 to 5, taking God at his Word, renewing the mind.



A bogey appears from nowhere and scares the bejeebers out of me and my horse on the trail. If you have done any trail riding with a “normal” horse (not one who is brain dead from too many rides on the dude string!), you know that even a plastic bag is enough to cause him anything from slight concern to abject terror, bucking, bolting…the works. It may not be “anything” at all, but to a 1000 pound animal with a prey animal instinct, it is fight or flight to survive…not to be killed. Trying to ride that out is just plain impossible for most mere mortals! And to be honest, it is a rare trail ride that doesn’t include some sort of excitement like this. It is the nature of the…well…beast. 🙂

Wind knocked out of me, helmet askew, I am flat out on the ground. I have given in, given up, inhaled food. (This is the analogy part. LOL!) Maybe I only overate at just one meal. Or maybe I have started there and not looked back until it is two months later. Maybe the “bogey” or “plastic bag” that caused me to fall off the horse was bad news about medical tests from the doctor. Maybe it was a mean church lady who reminded me of an abusive adult I endured growing up. Maybe it is a job loss. Maybe it is a flat tire! It doesn’t really matter. All I know is I look around and wonder “How did I get here?” I was going along so well and now….I have eaten my way into oblivion 13 of the last 17 meals. I lick my wounds and look everywhere for the face of God. Ah…there it is, inviting me to get on up. Time to move on. Yes, child, put your foot in the stirrup and lift on up into the saddle again. There are places to go. Wonders to experience. Adventures to be had!

The new normal settles in and I am again heading down the trail with a new rhythm. I have gotten the 0 to 5 eating thing wired once again–even WITH the new normal. I am in the Word, believing God, and renewing my mind. Life is good. The weight is coming off again and intimacy with God is deepening once again.



Another bogey! This time, a piece of yellow “Caution” tape that my horse was sure was a horse-eating monster or the horse-eating mud monster. I just can’t stay in the saddle with this latest bugg-a-boo! I can’t hold on when life throws me these bogeymen…I am on the ground again. This time, just leave me here. I am SOOOOOOO tired of falling off. I fail to remember in moments like these that I spent a lot of time in the saddle heading where I wanted to go, enjoying the ride…Somehow the fall did something to my memory *and* my backside. My pride is wounded.

THIS time, the bogey may have been my dad’s failing health and all the heartache in my life because of never feeling his approval and knowing I may *never* have it. The challenge may have just been that annual event called “Christmas” and all the challenges that accompany it. That is all it may take! Or Summer vacation! Or being cut off on the highway. Again, it really doesn’t matter what it was…all I know is that I fell off the “I am being faithful 0 to 5” horse.

How long will I lay here before I… finally….

…harken to the call of God. Get up, dust off. Let him do it, in fact! Stick that foot on up in the stirrup again…git my bum back where it belongs. Whew…

And…Off I go again. And now, I am getting back on the horse and am ready to ride again…even with this NEW new normal.

You see…this IS faithfulness.

Faithfulness isn’t NEVER falling off. We wouldn’t be human if we never struggled.

Faithfulness is getting back on that horse again. New normal and all. Sore backside and all. We don’t keep track of our mess ups. We just get back on. We don’t count the number of pounds or days we have lost or gained or whatevered. We just GET BACK ON!

I wish I could tell you that I never struggle. That I lost all my weight and that was that. But nope. I STILL struggle. I STILL fall off the horse. I stay off the horse less long than I used to. I can’t even say that I fall off less often. Sometimes I fall off less often. Sometimes I fall off just as often as I ever have.

But…I press on.

Seems to me a really wise man once said that…

…one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind 

and straining toward what is ahead,

I press on toward the goal to win the prize 

for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

~ Philippians 4:13-14


How About You?

Are you insisting that this is DO or DIE, right or wrong, black or white? Do you consistently refer to your attempts at following the Lord in the Thin Within principles as having failed? Are you swinging between black and white? How would your view of things change if you believed that GRAY can be glorious? We are progressing by hanging in there…even when it is ugly! Do you believe it? How can you press on today? Can you “Git Yer Bum Back in the Saddle?” 🙂