Renewing-of-the-mind Alarm

Renewing-of-the-mind Alarm


CHIRP!  The purpose of smoke alarms in our home is to let us know there is smoke hot enough, born from a fire, and that we need to get out!  The alarms tell us to find safety, and that our lives are endangered.  Their purpose is to save lives.  So when a smoke alarm’s battery runs low, it lets us know that we need to change the battery with an annoying, inconsistent, “chirp!”  That little chirp means, “If you don’t take care of this now, I’m just going to get more and more obnoxious.  And if you fail to change my battery, I won’t be able to help you in case of an emergency.”  In reference to our Thin Within journey of finding freedom from the control of food, there are situations (“fire”) that arise (like smoke rising), that sets off the “renewing-of-the-mind” alarm saying CHIRP!–YOU NEED TO RENEW YOUR MIND!

Last week, a smoke alarm in our house was chirping at me and letting me know its battery needed to be changed.  The chirping sound is not something one can easily ignore.  And the longer I put off changing the battery, the more often it chirped.  I believe life has these same “chirps”, letting us know something needs to change or be recharged.  From this chirping episode, the Lord showed me that there are “chirps” and alarms that go off in our life telling us that we need to change something.  He showed me that there are things that tell me I need to stop and renew my mind.

Some of the “alarms” could be anything that trigger overeating or disorder in our eating.  Maybe it’s after a stressful day and you just want to come home, grab the cookie jar, plop your feet up on your recliner, and shovel in the cookies.  Maybe it’s finding out some upsetting news and you drive to the nearest fast-food drive-thru, knowing full-well that you are going to “super-size” and try to numb yourself with food.  Maybe you put your jeans on and they are a little tighter than you remember and you feel tempted to try that new diet your friends were talking about.  There are hundreds of things that can trigger our own personal out-of-order eating experience.

What kind of “smoke” sets off your alarm for needing to “recharge” or to renew your mind?

You aren’t hungry, but those brownies are screaming your name!!  CHIRP!

You are at a “5”, but you really want another serving of salad from the buffet.  CHIRP!

You ate an entire package of Oreos.  CHIRP!

You want to eat your way through your emotions.  CHIRP!

You weighed yourself and you gained.  CHIRP!

You know what’s so cool about renewing our mind?  Because, ultimately, it’s the LORD who does the work!  Even recently, the Lord has been reminding me that I am transformed through HIS work, not me behaving better or making all of the perfect choices.  It’s GOD!  That revelation is oh so freeing!

Romans 12:2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

When you hear a CHIRP!, renew your mind!  Grab your Bible, your truth cards, your journal, or get up and have a dance praise fest!  Or use whatever tools or ways that work for you to put on God’s truth!

How about you? What’s setting off your “renewing-of-the-mind” alarm?  Are you trying to overcome by your own strength and will-power?  Christ said that we can do all things through His strength!  Let’s strengthen our spiritual muscles by getting into His Word!  Do you need to change your “battery” by renewing your mind?

Failure Leads to Victory

Failure Leads to Victory

Image courtesy of nongpimmy at

Image courtesy of nongpimmy at

We get so discouraged when we break a boundary.  We eat when we aren’t hungry (zero).  We blow past satisfaction (5).  We bring out that “club of condemnation” one more time (sigh). But wait!  STOP!  Pause.  Freeze it right there!  Come a little closer to the screen.  Yes, there.   Now let me tell you a little secret (hands cupped over your ear): Failure leads to victory!  Sorry, did I shout that into your ear instead of whispering.  Sorry!  I just get a little excited!

It’s true!  It’s not about following your boundaries 100% all.of.the.time.  It’s about going to God if you break your boundaries.   We get so upset when we break our boundaries.  We feel bad about ourselves.  We think we will never be able to follow our boundaries.  So then we overeat because we feel bad about ourselves.  It’s like this vicious cycle that is perpetuated by our thoughts, beliefs, despair, thinking we will never be skinny anyway, so we might as well eat.  Sound familiar?

But what would happen if we looked at every boundary breakage (aka failure) and renewed our mind instead?  What if instead of feeling bad about ourselves and discouraged, we got really excited because we get to get closer to the Lord because of our failure?

I tell you what would happen: we would have victory!

I’ve seen it!  I’ve experienced this!  I’ve tasted it!  When I break a boundary, I get so excited that I get to sit with Jesus and talk things over.  Maybe I’m just an odd one…wait…I KNOW I’m an odd one!  But really, I do get excited to renew my mind and bring all of my thoughts and feelings before the Lord.  I love that as I am real with Him, He shows me His truth.

So how does this work?  How does failure turn into victory?

Here’s an example: Evening was the most tempting time for me to want to overeat.  I had a really hard time breaking the habit of eating outside of my boundaries in the evening.  I would put my daughter to bed and then immediately I would make some popcorn or grab some sort of snack, and then eat it in front of the TV (distraction, mindless eating).  It wouldn’t matter if I was hungry or not, that’s the habit I had developed over the years (and well before my daughter).  I knew I wanted to change it, but I kept on doing it.  I would feel so bad and would feel like I failed yet again.  My solution (well, God’s solution) was that after I put my daughter to bed, I would sit and read through my truth cards, or I would answer a set of questions from I Deserve a Donut in my journal, and reading scriptures.  I took that time to renew my mind.  Change didn’t happen right away, but as I took the time each night to renew my mind, little by little, day by day, the Lord was transforming me, until one day I no longer had the urge to grab something to eat after putting my daughter to bed.  And since then, I just wait until I’m hungry to have an evening snack.  And sometimes I am not hungry for a snack, and I’m totally ok with that.  That’s a huge change!  Victory!

It wasn’t self-control.  It wasn’t will-power.  It was GOD who changed me!  My part was being self-disciplined in taking the time to sit with Him and renew my mind.

Failure led to victory!

We try to change our outcome through our own strength.  We think if we change our habit or behavior first, then our thoughts and beliefs will line up.  But it’s actually the other way around.  First, we have to change our thoughts and beliefs, and THEN we will change our habits and behavior.  We tell ourselves that we will “do better next time.”  We strive and put forth all of our own human effort to see change in our eating habits, but when we lean upon ourselves to make it happen, we will only become weak and tired.  It’s God who helps us overcome.  It’s not in our own strength.  So each time we go to Him and repent after we’ve sinned, we are transformed more and more to His likeness.  When we renew our mind after overeating, we are transformed.

I look at failure as opportunity to grow.  I look at failure as practice.

It took Thomas Edison 1,000+ times before he had the invention of the light bulb “perfected”.  Every failure led to victory.  He didn’t give up.  And just because we overate just now or last night, it doesn’t mean we smash all of the light bulbs and give up.  It means we keep going forward.  We renew our mind.  We go to God.  We think that because of failing to follow our boundaries, that we need new boundaries.  Maybe you’ve been really trying your best to follow your boundaries of eating between hunger and satisfaction, but you keep overeating.  Does that mean your boundaries don’t work?  No way!  It means it’s time to renew your mind.  It’s time to go sit at the feet of Jesus and drink in His truth.

So the next time you are tempted to fail: go to Jesus.  Renew your mind.  The next time you break a boundary: seek His truth.  And know that each time you do, you are one step closer to victory!  Sweet, sweet victory!!

Would you like to know more about renewing your mind?  There are so many great resources on this website and blog about doing just that.  Do you have a set of truth cards?  If not, you can learn more about it here.  I also have recorded a set of my truth cards on a Sound Cloud file that you can find here.  Do you have a set of questions to help aid you in renewing your mind such as Barb Raveling’s I Deserve a Donut?  How else can we, at Thin Within, help to encourage you to renew your mind and see failure as victory?







Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

Hi everyone!

I have so many things on my heart that I want to share with you, but since I have “mom brain”, I’m having a hard time collecting some of those thoughts.  But I want to write something.  Anything!  So I thought I would take some time to encourage you.

No matter how long you’ve been on this journey, God is STILL faithful!  He watches over His word to perform it!  He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us!  Oh…and He LOVES us!

I know some of you are discouraged.  You’ve been trying.  You feel like giving up.  You just don’t know how to make this all work.  And some of you are down right ANGRY because you feel like you are a failure–or possibly because you may feel like God has failed you.  You have spent many tears, crying out to God to just help you release the weight, to help you overcome your food addiction, to make all of this easy.

Can I tell you something?

Lean in closely…I’m about to tell you a tidbit of truth that has literally changed my life…

God wants to transform you!

He wants to help you!  He wants to deliver you!  He wants to help you overcome!

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  Romans 12:2

We don’t overcome by following our boundaries perfectly.  It’s clinging to God’s Word.  It’s spending time with Him.  That’s how we are transformed.  It’s not our own work.  It’s His work.  Our part is spending time with Him.

I have seen a HUGE change in my life in the area of food and body image because of what God has done and all it took was me taking the time to renew my mind.  What does it look like to renew my mind?  For me, it means reading my truth cards at least once a day.  Usually that takes place in the morning along with reading my Bible.  And then each time I felt like breaking a boundary, I sat down with my journal and ‘I Deserve a Donut’ app (or book) by Barb Raveling.  I would write out the questions and answers.  If I was in a hurry, I would just read the questions and answer them in my head or out loud.  If I was journaling, I would write down a few of the scriptures that really stood out to me.   And I still do this when needed.

I believe each time I took the time to renew my mind that the Lord was transforming me.  And WOW, I’m so amazed at what He has done!  I will share more about that later, but for now I want to encourage you in your own journey.

Don’t give up!

Keep your eyes on Jesus!

Keep renewing your mind!

Post “Fail”

Post “Fail”


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles /

If you’ve been following the blog in the past 10 months (or even longer) or you are participating in the 2014 Thin Within Workbook Class, you have probably read or heard a lot about the importance of renewing our mind when it comes to changing the way we have been eating.  And this week the workbook study is talking about God’s grace.  Recently, the Lord has shown me something spectacular that I wanted to share.

I understood the importance of renewing my mind, which for me has meant taking time each day (at least once a day, if not twice), to read my truth cards.  I’ve also been very slowly going through Barb Raveling’s book, Taste For Truth, which is all about renewing our minds when it comes to our weight loss journey.  I understood why I needed to renew my mind in a proactive way (before the temptation to overeat), but what I was having a hard time understanding was how to renew my mind after I’ve overeaten.

And then one night last week I had one of those moments of eating way more than my body needed.  I stopped immediately after the incident and sat down with my journal, truth cards, and my iPhone that has Barb Raveling’s app ‘I Deserve a Donut’ and also the new Thin Within app.  The first thing I did was I wrote to the Lord in my journal, telling Him about what happened, asking Him to forgive me, and asking Him for help.  I also wrote down how my body felt after eating too much.  I also noted that I hadn’t spent time earlier that day renewing my mind.  Then I wrote down the reason I don’t like overeating.  I opened the section on Barb’s app about regret, which I hadn’t noticed before.  It fit perfectly to how I was feeling and what I was thinking.  I answered the questions in my head and read through the scriptures.  And then I went to the Thin Within app and wrote down some of the scriptures in my journal that were under ‘failure’.  Those scriptures were:

The Lord is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray.  Psalm 25:8

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.  Psalm 73:26

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.  Isaiah 43:18-19

After I spent time renewing my mind after I felt like I had failed, I no longer felt like a failure, and I no longer carried this regret or condemnation.  I felt renewed in my mind and like I was back right where I needed to be.  Praise the Lord!  It was such an encouragement to see how God worked in all of that, and all I had to do was take the time to sit in His presence.  I’m so thankful for His mercy and grace!

I believe it was a day or two after that incident that I read something really refreshing from Barb’s Taste for Truth book.  She said, “You are not set free by following your boundaries perfectly.  You’re set free by the renewing of your mind.  Failure is an opportunity to renew your mind once again.”  That REALLY spoke to me!  I even wrote it in my truth cards.   And in my own words I wrote this:

I am set free because of what God does when I renew my mind.

I am set free because I renew my mind.

I follow my boundaries because I renew my  mind.

This has given me a whole new outlook on failure.  I don’t have to look at failure as an “oh well, I failed, I guess I might as well eat” or beat myself over the head with the club of condemnation.  I can now look at failure as  yet another reason I can renew my mind!  I will overcome by going to God each time I fail.  I come to Him, He helps me, I am set free, and then I can move forward.

I had a moment today and after I sat down and renewed my mind.  The Lord met me and again, I was able to move forward with no regrets and with His amazing peace.  I feel like I’ve found this key to overcoming and I’m just so excited!  I will renew my mind about this as long as it needs to take, even if I have to fill journal upon journal.  I am not going to give up!  I know there is power in the Word of God!  I will stand upon the Rock of Christ Jesus!  He is helping me and through Him I am victorious!  Amen!

How about you?

What do you think would happen if you spent time renewing your mind after you feel like you’ve failed?  I truly believe that each time we go to God and renew our mind after we’ve eaten outside of our boundaries that we are going to one day find that we are no longer going to give in to the temptation to overeat.  It won’t even be an issue anymore.  I look at taking the time to renew my mind as part of the victory!  The Lord wants us to come to Him after we’ve had a “moment”; He wants to meet with us and fill us with His truth and love!

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,  I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:13-14

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  1 John 1:9

Music To Your Ears ~ Renewing Your Mind – Guest Post

Music To Your Ears ~ Renewing Your Mind – Guest Post

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /

Last year, I joined a weekly Bible study at a local church. On the first day, I sat in the lecture hall and waited excitedly to receive my study book and instructions. I was (not pleasantly) surprised that the very first thing to happen was not an introduction of the leaders. Instead, the words to a song appeared on the screen in the front of the room and everyone stood to sing….without accompaniment. “Oh, this is not good”, I thought. See, I love music and I love to sing – in private! I have been self conscious of my singing voice since I was a child. And I really thought that I would not like this aspect of the Bible study – at all. In addition to my lack of confidence in singing, I also was not a huge fan of praise music. I enjoyed the music during Sunday worship, but I would choose almost any other kind of music or talk radio while driving.

Well, within a month, God had changed my heart so much about music that it is now one of my favorite things about my time in the Bible study. I started downloading the songs I liked and I began to listen to praise music in the car. The Bible study leader’s favorite song that year was “The Voice of Truth” by Casting Crowns. This song became my anthem as I participated in the Renewing of the Mind study with Heidi last March.

Per her recommendation, I created a Renewing of the Mind playlist on my phone/ipod that continues to grow. I have found that the melodies and words get stuck not only in my head, but in my heart as well.  I listen to my list as I prepare meals, exercise, drive, and sometimes as I get ready for the day.

Is it strange to think of music as a way to renew our minds? Here’s how I see it. Much of Christian music is based on scripture. When I am listening to the words or singing along:

1) I am praying God’s Word to Him. We are told “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)

2) My mind is hearing the Truth of God’s Word, learning about His character, and absorbing how He relates to His people.

3) The words of scripture, the Truth, are settling in my heart. I am marinating in and meditating on His Word. “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. “(Psalm 119:11)

4) I can use the Truths from music during a time of temptation. It is sometimes easier to call up the Truth in music than something I have memorized without music. Think about all of the things in school you learned set to a tune – the alphabet, continents song, my daughter learned about igneous rock set to the Addams family song!  In temptation, I use many tools – Truth cards, the Bible, prayer, getting on my knees, TW scripture cards, and music.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. “(2 Cor 10:1)

5) It is a form of worship. Think of singing songs about and to God as a “God List” set to music. Again, it reminds us of God’s character and His relationship with us.

How About You?

I’d love to see us share the songs that we enjoy and the ones that help us in our journey with the Lord.

Your favorites may include gospel, hymnals, Southern gospel, current praise, or even secular music that speaks to you of God.  I’ll start. ☺

  • Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns,
  • I Have a Song, Christ in Me, really anything by Shannon Wexelberg
  • Whom Shall I Fear, Our God, The Name of Jesus by Chris Tomlin
  • True Things, Your Hands, All I Need (many others) by JJ Heller (folksy)
  • In Christ Alone feat Kristian Stanfill
  • Born Again by Third Day
  • Amazing Grace/My Chains are Gone, You are Holy by Michael Smith
  • Because You Are by Point of Grace
  • Lifeline by Mandisa
  • My Soul Sings by Meredith Andrews
  • Hello, My Name Is by Matthew West – fun song!
  • I’m adding our own Rebecca Bryan to the list!

There are many more, but these are some my favorites.

What are yours?

~ Carrie (Not South Africa)