An Antidote for Steamrollered Intentions
Have you ever started the morning with quiet time with God, loved his...
Callused Fingers – Callused Heart
Their hearts are callous and unfeeling, but I delight in your...
Week One Winner of Thin Within Book!
Didn't want to have the day begin without announcing the winner of this week's...
Thin Within Book Study Starts June 14
We will be launching into a study of the Thin Within book on June 14th. I hope...
I have a friend with thin thighs...she is in a wheelchair and can't walk....
This little girl just reminded me that praise is powerful! Gratitude goes a...
Eating Like Pharoah!
What does how I eat have to do with Pharaoh? :-)When I read Scripture and...
Dive in and STUDY With Us!
Summer can be a time of wonderful freedom. Sometimes, though, we may find our...
An Ant on my Hat
This morning I had a "stow away" on board, a tiny little "friend"...