Perfect Peace Part 2, by Ethel Herr
This is the second of two parts by guest blogger, Ethel Herr. We are having a...
Choose Praise Today
Yesterday, I was really challenged with this. Would I choose praise? Or would...
Perfect Peace Part 1, by Ethel Herr
Hello to you all, Heidi's friends!Heidi and I recently met, first online, then...
Guest Blogger this week!
This week, Ethel Herr, the author of the book I am so excited about, Lord,...
Glimpses of Glory
This morning, "Shepherd" and "Provider" are the attributes to which God has...
Quit the Condemnation!
Stop it.You heard me!I said STOP IT!Stop what?Well, I am just guessing,...
I Am Crazy! But GOD is AWESOME!
Sometimes I can't believe myself! Even as I diligently write sample chapters...
Praise Changes Things CONTEST!
If you read about the "Praise Changes Things" contest that we are having here...
How to Stop Eating
Recently, someone asked on the Thin Within forums about how to know when to...