How Much Food?

Seven Survival Tips for the Holidays!

When returning to 0 to 5 eating or just starting out, sometimes it is hard to know how much food is reasonable to eat. We can eat whatever we want when we land at zero. (See my post about how to know if you are physically hungry or at a 0.)

But how much food should I eat?

It is best to give yourself a portion, rather than have a bag of chips or a serving dish of food in front of you. Put an amount of food on your plate and then let that be that. Experiment a bit, but you may want to establish a boundary that whatever food you put on your plate, you will eat that (or less) and then wait 10 minutes before serving yourself more if you think you are still hungry.

A fist is a very reasonable measuring tool to use to evaluate portion size. HereΒ  is a video where I share my thoughts on the subject. πŸ™‚

Another approach is whatever you have been serving yourself up to this point (if you haven’t been eating 0 to 5), try serving yourself a third or half of that. I know this sounds extreme, but just remember you can eat again when you are hungry.

Thin Within is quite simple, really, but we find that there are times when it isn’t easy. Times when we clearly want more food than we need. We can have all the practical tidbits in the world, but if we aren’t willing to say no to our fleshly desires, if we aren’t willing to live within our good, godly and delightful boundaries, then all the wisdom and insight will make very little difference!

So, are you willing? I personally, am romancing the willingness. Will you join me?

Renewing the Mind in Thin Within


Below is a video that I made to help people understand what it means to renew the mind…what it is, how to go about doing it and why!

I hope it helps you.

Thanks again to Barb Raveling for her help in understanding how to practically apply the wisdom of Romans 12:2!


Renewing the Mind is, simply, thinking God’s thoughts after him.

First, choose a renewing of the mind goal. Why? Because it is our thinking that causes us to act. If we want to act differently and see different fruit in our lives, we need to start where actions are birthed–in our thoughts! What do you want to think differently about? The scale? Your body? Food? Your marriage? Your job? Probably, for our study coming up, you will want to select something that has to do with food, eating or weight, but it is your choice. Maybe you are an emotional eater, so you need to think differently about processing emotions. Maybe you don’t feel like you trust God. You might want to renew your mind about God’s character. So first thing, you want to pick a renewing of your mind goal.

Secondly, select times of the day when you will proactively choose to think God’s thoughts about whatever it is. First thing in the morning is a good idea for most of us since it might set the tone for the entire day. If you struggle in your marriage, you might also want to plan a renewing of your mind session for just before you see your spouse. If it is about food, you might need a mini-renewing of your mind session before you eat each time you eat! Let’s dive in and do this for all we are worth. Give it just a few weeks of diligence and hard work and you will be amazed at how you are impacted! You can also renew your mind in the middle of giving in to behaviors that are counter to your godly goal or after you have given in. It is best to plan a time before that happens, of course! But even if you “blow it,” you can renew your mind about whatever it is after the fact and it will help!

Thirdly, select strategies for actually thinking God’s thoughts after him. In this video, I share some ideas for that, but it is by no means comprehensive. You can use Barb Raveling’s I Deserve a Donut app.Β  You can read scripture or review memorized verses. The bible is clearly where God shows us his thoughts, so it is a safe place to land to find things to think about for renewing your mind. If you want to be more specific, you can do what I have done. On an index card, piece of paper, on a file in your laptop or your cell phone or iDevice :-), you can create a file or jot down a list of TRUTHS about whatever it is that you want to think differently about. Then, each of the times that you renew your mind, you would read those things…preferably out loud. Pray over them and ask God to work them deeply into the soil of your heart and mind.

Here is a partial list of My Affirmations about 0 to 5 eating mentioned in the video.

Also, in the video I say one of the things I like about 0 to 5 eating is that it is easy. Then I talk about Barb’s app and mention that 0 to 5 eating is hard. What I mean by that, is when I am tempted to stray away from it, THEN it is hard. That is when I need to stop myself from whining about how “hard” it is. It is always going to be hard to obey. But the principles are easy, simple, and doable!

I hope this helps clarify what renewing the mind is! πŸ™‚

Weight Loss Bible Study Preliminaries

Photo Courtesy of

Photo Courtesy of

Mark your calendars for Mondays, starting one week from today–March 4th–for our study of Barb Raveling’s Weight Loss Bible Study. We will study putting a Thin Within Spin on the material.

Before we begin, I wanted to share with you some thoughts I have at the outset.

First, if you know me at all, you know that I don’t prefer focusing on weight loss. And that is one of the things I love about Barb–neither does she. Even though this study is called “Weight Loss Bible Study,” she focuses our attention on renewing our minds so that the transformation we desire physically is birthed by a deeper transformation inwardly.Β  This is the only way to experience permanent change. It is only fair to warn you this requires a lot of work. You likely will be pushed out of your comfort zone.Β You may want to decide now what you will do when you are tempted to quit!

Secondly, Barb *does* use the word “diet”…be forewarned! So, when you see the word DIET or DIETING in Barb’s material during our study, please replace it in your thinking with “0 to 5 Eating” instead. Barb does a great job of speaking of boundaries. For those on diets, this may include points or calories or whatever else. For us, our primary boundary is to eat between 0 (physical hunger) and 5 (physical satisfaction). Please don’t let the use of the term “diet” throw you! God can use this material in our lives!

Thirdly, logistically, it can be easiest to work through the material if you print it out or have it on your own computer. I like to copy and paste Barb’s material into a Word document so I can interact with the material directly. This way, her blog posts become a journal for me that I save on my laptop. I can refer to it later or finish the study at a later time. If you don’t want to do that, you can print them out and/or journal in a notebook just as effectively.

What I do *not* recommend is to just do it in your head! πŸ™‚ We tend to get lazy if we try that approach.

Given how much energy and effort and practice we have put into eating more than we need, causing us to carry extra weight, we can certainly spend time renewing our mind, thinking differently, by doing bible study. πŸ™‚

So, what are your hopes, concerns, questions before we launch into this study?

More Answers to Thin Within Questions

Hi, everyone.

I think I will get the hang of making shorter videos. I need to take one question per video, I think! Then, maybe I would get it down to 5 minutes! (Each!)

These videos are parts 1 and 2 of questions that were posted by Angeli in an email to me. There is 20 minutes of footage (just over) here. So sorry they are so long, but I do think they have a lot of good content in them! I hope you agree.

These videos address:

  • Night time eating
  • Dealing with free food and snacks left out in the break room at work πŸ™‚
  • Releasing the last 10 pounds

I hope there is something helpful here.

What other questions do you have? πŸ™‚

and here is part 2…

What questions would you like addressed at this blog?

Young Moms – How to “Do” Thin Within? Video Response

I so appreciated the response that I got from Brianna (not Angela…I accidentally called her Angela at the beginning of the video) here at the blog and realized that there is a lot in her question…so I put together not one…but TWO videos to respond! They are each 11 minutes long! ARG! So sorry for the verbose response. I promised I would zip things down…but there was so much to share. So here are both parts and I will be posting the links I promise on Friday. πŸ™‚


…and here is Part 2…

So, what other words of wisdom do you all have to offer Brianna and others like her who have little ones at home all day?

Thanks so much, Brianna!