Chat with us!

Please come chat with us tomorrow, Tuesday, June 29th, at 7am Pacific time. Even if you are late (we end at 8am Pacific time), feel free to join us in progress.

Visit this link for instructions about how to join us. Hope to see you!

Week 03 – Part 01 Assignment Thin Within Book

I hope that you experienced joy overflowing during the past week as you practiced gratitude! For those continuing in our study of the Thin Within book, be sure to bookmark the new website set up to consolidate all the information for you! I hope you enjoy having everything in one place! I will add to it each time we have a chat or new assignment. You can find assignment links, links to all of the study locations, chat transcripts and more there.

This week’s assignment (part 01):

1.) Continue to keep a cumulative list of all the characteristics of God and how he treats people. Share with us here what some of the attributes of God are that are blessing you! It encourages us to hear!

2.) Continue to take a few minutes at the beginning of your study time each day to praise the Lord for at least three of the things on your list. You can also do this whenever you find yourself focusing on yourself, your weight, your frustration, food…anything! Instead of focusing on those things, take your attributes of God list and focus your heart, mind, thoughts, words on HIM! ๐Ÿ™‚

3.) Read and complete Days 4 and 5 material. Day 5 will require a lot of time and prayer for some of us. It took me years to be able to get through this material with my whole heart. I look forward to seeing what God shows me this time, too. If you have questions that come up along the way, don’t hesitate to post them here or at one of the other locations. I check all sites daily (or just about).

4.) Continue to ask the Lord prayerfully if you should use any of the tools that have been introduced in the book so far. Please do not assume you should. Many of us with dieting pasts find ourselves very challenged to walk in freedom if we start tracking anything. But since we know that God IS doing a new thing, it is possible he will lead us to “go there” to see what he is up to! Keep this in prayer. ๐Ÿ™‚ Let’s be open to the fact that he may be leading us to trust him in new ways!

5.) Post insights that God gives you while reading. When you post, you encourage others!

6.) Come chat with us! The next real-time chat at the Thin Within website is Tuesday morning 7-8am Pacific time and then Friday we will join together at 5-6pm Pacific time. Click here to find out how.

I am so thankful for Kim! She is now my official “assistant.” I am so thankful for her help and support.

More tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚

[[ Be sure not to miss the “Devotional” (actually a confession) that I posted before posting this one. You will find it at ]]

Let’s Make the Biblical Choice!

I look back over this weekend and am frustrated with myself. My guard was down. Instead of practicing gratitude which *always* transforms my experience, I allowed myself to focus on circumstances and respond with my emotion. I allowed my feelings to dictate my choices. Instead of sitting in the presence of God, I allowed my emotions to dictate other choices.

From the emergency vet visit for one of my horses and wondering if he would survive, to having to put down our geriatric chinchilla, to the benchmark of my youngest child turning 16, to the stress and tension of car shopping for my husband, only to be disappointed after a four hour trip (one way) to see a car that had not been honestly represented…my choices were not made out of a grateful heart. I didn’t practice diligence. I didn’t guard my heart.

It wasn’t that I was rebellious. I just walked a line all weekend, but I can tell. My heart convicts me. I know the truth.

So, now what?

God’s kindness leads you toward repentance.  
– Romans 2:4b
In this moment of conviction, of sadness about my lack of diligence this weekend to guard godly choices, to maintain godly boundaries, I can wallow in frustration or I can allow the un-ending love and kindness of God to lead me toward repentance.
All of God’s wrath against sin was poured out on Christ at the cross, so thinking that God is mad at me is wrong thinking. I believe my needless struggles break his heart instead of tick him off. I was reminded at church yesterday by our new pastor that what I think will affect how I live. I want to think biblically, so that I live biblically.
So, I choose to apply what I see in Scripture. 
Thin Within calls this “Observation.” I acknowledge the truth:
Lord, I see that I allowed circumstances and my emotional response to my circumstances to erode my godly boundaries over the past three days. I didn’t guard myself from temptation. I didn’t turn to you to help me when I was feeling emotional. I didn’t practice gratitude. These things resulted in eating outside of godly parameters. I know that I could sit here and, somehow, minimize the significance of my choices since they weren’t blatantly rebellious. Conversely, I could hit myself over the head repeatedly for my choices. Instead of either of these two choices, I choose truth, Lord. I choose to recognize what you say about the choices made over the past three days. I agree with You, Lord. I see these truths and I admit them to you.
Then, I choose “Correction.” This is the repentance part of the equation:
Lord, I commit again to eating only when I am hungry and stopping when I am physically comfortable. All other “hunger” that I experience will point me to the need to be still and know that you are God. Additionally, Lord, today when I face circumstances that will cause me to feel sadness, fear, anxiety, joy, or pain, I will invite you in to the moment. I will not eat, but will choose to take five minutes (or more) to spend being still and soaking in your presence. I will choose to take that time to praise you, to ponder your greatness, and to will get distance from any physical food, as I feed my spirit at your table, instead. Thank you that in Jesus, I can do this. In Him I pray, Amen.
When I do this, it is done. I can now, “break camp” and move on. I can “follow the cloud” of God’s presence to the next stop on our journey. Yesterday is history. That is all there is to it. I choose to believe God:
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and 
will forgive us our sins and purify us 
from all unrighteousness.
– 1 John 1:9

I now choose to believe God that he has forgiven me. He has purified me from all unrighteousness. I will not get stuck in the trap of “unbelief” that somehow insists that “This is too easy. I must pay for my sin!” NO. Jesus Christ paid the price. Now, I can never “let God down.” He doesn’t “depend” on me in the first place!

I am so thankful for these truths. This isn’t a diet that I can “blow it” and “go off.” This is discipleship. This is what it means to walk in Christ the rest of my life.

What peace there is in this place.

164 Seven times a day I praise you
       for your righteous laws.
 165 Great peace have they who love your law,
       and nothing can make them stumble.
 166 I wait for your salvation, O LORD,
       and I follow your commands.
– Psalm 119: 164-166
I love the Word of God. There is peace in that. Praising him throughout the day brings me to the place of humble submission. I wait for his salvation. I am so relieved. Thank you, Lord.
How about you? Do you have regrets about the past few days? The past few minutes? Is the Lord convicting you that you may have compromised his best for you in favor of something else? Will you choose the club of condemnation (which is NOT His will for you!) or will you choose “observation and correction,” to break camp and press on to what He has next for you in this glorious adventure?

New Website with Consolidated Info

If you are wondering what is where with our summer 2010 Thin Within book study, I am keeping a website just for dispensing all information.

Visit to find schedule, direct links to assignments, chat transcripts and links to all the sites where the study is currently ongoing. I hope this helps.

I tried to put something online quickly and used a template that is not done very well. Please bear with me and I hope to give it a face lift soon.

For now, I think the information will be there ok!

Upcoming Informal “Drop In” chat schedule

Upcoming Chats:

Tuesday, June 29, 7:00-8:00AM PDT
Friday, July 2, 5:00-6:00PM PDT
Monday, July 5, 7:00-8:00AM PDT
Wednesday, July 7, 10-11AM PDT
Tuesday, July 13 4:00-5:00pm PDT
Saturday, July 17 7pm-8pm PDT

Go here:
to find out how to log in to chat.

Hope you can join us. These chats will coincide with our online study that is happening at 5 venues, including here at the Thin Within website.

Stay tuned for more dates occurring throughout the summer.

Be sure to check out our FaceBook and Twitter accounts, too!

More Ideas for Gratitude

How can you and I develop gratitude as a way of life?

One way is to have a gratitude journal. I have an online gratitude blog. I don’t use it often, but would like to become more faithful to it again. The address is here.

I put verses on a spiral card stock booklet and then pray them back to God. I use this for a variety of topics, but having a spiral set just for praise, thanks, and worship is soooo helpful!

One person shared at a bible study I was in that they were taught to pray not just before every meal, but after, too. How might it change things for us if we thanked God for our food and focused on him before *and* after…and even during? ๐Ÿ™‚

What other ideas do YOU have for developing a heart of gratitude?

What is a 5 for you?

“5” is the place that we stop eating in Thin Within. We say it is when we are physically satisfied or no longer need food.

So, what does “satisfied”– 5 — feel like for you?

What are ways that you know you are at that place?

(Don’t forget the chat tonight at 7pm Pacific Time! Go to this link to find out how!)


Hi, everyone. Some of you may know that I have been gone since Monday. My daughter and I had an amazing time in Lake Tahoe, celebrating her 16th birthday with special friends.

I am back in time for the Thin Within chat we will have tonight at 7pm Pacific Time. That is in about 90 minutes. I hope you can join us! ๐Ÿ™‚ Go here  if you want to join us! ๐Ÿ™‚

If that won’t work for you, please feel free to try tomorrow morning, Friday morning at 7am Pacific time.

Hope to see some of you! ๐Ÿ™‚