Each Moment Matters!
This is an old video that I created some time back when we were studying...
Week 6 – Counting Blessings, Praising God for Progress!
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD. - Psalm 150:6...
Idolatry in the Life of the Believer – Dr. Charles Stanley
Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me. - Psalm...
Can You – WILL You – Just Say No to Self?
My husband is an environmental lawyer. He often tells me about his work and...
Bob Weighs In on “The Myth of More”
Sometimes, it can be helpful to have someone else share about the topic that I...
The Myth of More – Idolatry (Week 5 Renewing the Mind)
God is leading us into battle. He is our Conquering Hero and he leads us in a...
What is Your Commitment Level?
When I was a young girl, if a boy had my heart, I would write his initials and...
My Refuge – A Lie? Or God’s Truth?
...for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place. Isaiah...
When We Feel Like Pitching a Fit!!!
We have all experienced temper tantrums. Usually, the context is our kids'...