Holy Struggle – Part 6
In the mid-80s, the Nike sports-shoe company was losing a lot of ground to...
Got Joy? Eat Sara Lee!
If you believe what you read or see, then all there is to grabbing a hold of...
But I don’t like it…Holy Struggle – Part 5
I don't want to feel silent hunger.I don't want to feel a sense of failure.I...
Perspective – Holy Struggle – Part 4
Have you ever been in traffic ... (who hasn't?) and couldn't see what was...
Get Rid of the Baggage!
...let us throw off everything that hinders...Hebrews 12:1bThe video below may...
Yoda was Right!
"Size matters not" as one famous Jedi once correctly said....There may not be...
So what became of DragonLady?
For our benefit, God often allows us to experience circumstances that will...
Holy Struggle – Part 3
THIS MOMENT MATTERS! It really does! Every single solitary moment offers...
I have been dreading the appointment on Friday with DragonLady -- my...