Conscious Eating Not Compulsive Eating Part 5
Who wants to experience pain? Not most of us, certainly. I am no different...
Conscious Eating Not Compulsive Eating Part 4
More thoughts on Chapter 4 of Get Thin Stay Thin by Arthur and Judy...
Accountability Chart
From October through the end of December, I reported daily to my...
This is a short video clip that my daughter took of me going down our saucer...
On Vacation
Hi, everyone. We are on vacation in Zephyr Cove in South Lake Tahoe. The...
When We Condemn Ourselves…
I did an amazing study yesterday in The Search For Significance.It occurred to...
Conscious Eating Not Compulsive Eating Part 3
Approval Addicts..."...rarely expect to achieve anything or to feel good about...
Conscious Eating Not Compulsive Eating Part 2
When you get ready to have a movie night at home, you pop a DVD in and what do...
Conscious Eating Not Compulsive Eating Part 1
Ever find yourself face first in a package of Oreos and wonder "How did I get...