Two Boundary Considerations
Boundaries can be effective in protecting what is precious from outside...
Weight Loss Bible Study Week 3
How important is it to you to be thin? Do you feel like losing weight will...
How NOT to Think About Food
Sometimes, we hear food calling our name. It seems to insist that we come,...
Weight Loss Bible Study Schedule
I was asked in one of the comments about the schedule, so thought I would post...
Friday Drawing Winner #2!
Last week, we had 53 different comments. This week, we had even more than...
I am LOVING the community that has been growing on these pages. Thank you SO...
How to Stop at 5 (or Sooner)
I have been asked a lot about how to stop at 5. So, here are some tips about...
Truth Journaling – “Boot Camp” for Renewing of the Mind
I consider Truth Journaling a lot like Renewing of the Mind "Boot Camp." This...
How Much Food?
When returning to 0 to 5 eating or just starting out, sometimes it is hard to...